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09.推断文中人物的性格或情绪情感-备战2020年高考英语阅读微技能训练 【考点分析】 年份 类别 2019 2018 2017 全国卷Ⅰ 全国卷Ⅰ 全国卷Ⅰ 考点 细节理解 8 7 8 主旨大意 2 2 1 推理判断/推断人物性格和情感 4/2 5/0 4/1 词义猜测 1 1 2 考情分析 纵观近三年的高考题,可以看出推断题在高考中大约占30%左右的比例,其比重仅次于细节理解题,有如下特点:1. 考察学生对文章中隐含或深层含义的理解能力 2. 以文章的事实为依据,进行合理的推断 3. 推断题的考察方式灵活,包括推断言外之意、推断观点态度、推断写作目的、推断写作手法、推断目标读者、推断人物性格、推断文章和推断下文内容,其中前三种考察为主,特别是考察言外之意题居多。19年考察了两个推断人物的性格的题,所以还是要全面的把握各种推断题的题型。 【典型例题1】 (2019年全国卷I B )For Canaan Elementary’s second grade in Patchogue, N.Y., today is speech day, and right now it’s Chris Palaez’s turn. The 8-year-old is the joker of the class. With shining dark eyes, he seems like the kind of kid who would enjoy public speaking. But he’s nervous. “I’m here to tell you today why you should … should…” Chris trips on the “-ld,” a pronunciation difficulty for many non-native English speakers. His teacher, Thomas Whaley, is next to him, whispering support. “…Vote for …me …” Except for some stumbles, Chris is doing amazingly well. When he brings his speech to a nice conclusion, Whaley invites the rest of the class to praise him. 1.Which of the following best describes Whaley as a teacher? A. Humorous. B. Ambitious. C. Caring. D. Demanding. 1.答案【C】 【解析】根据文中的His teacher, Thomas Whaley, is next to him, whispering support. “…Vote for …me …” Except for some stumbles, Chris is doing amazingly well. When he brings his speech to a nice conclusion, Whaley invites the rest of the class to praise him. 可以看出在Chris Palaez演讲时,由于紧张而表现出结巴时,老师小声地给他打气支持,当演讲结束时,老师邀请全班同学表扬他。说明老师很关心他人。所以答案为 C。 【典型例题2】 (2019年全国卷I D )During the rosy years of elementary school(小学) I enjoyed sharing my dolls and jokes, which allowed me to keep my high social status. I was the queen of the playground. Then came my tweens and teens, and mean girls and cool kids. They rose in the ranks not by being friendly but by smoking cigarettes, breaking rules and playing jokes on others, among whom I soon found myself. 2. What sort of girl was the author in her early years of elementary school



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