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试卷代号:1389 国家开放大学2021年秋季学期期末统一考试 管理英语4 试题 2022年1月 注 意 事 项 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏 内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带 出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。 二、仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答 题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。 三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。 四、考试时间为60分钟。 一、交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分) 1—5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。 1.— — Id like to have this film developed. A. May I help you? B. What is it? C.What do you want? 2.— This project is too big for me to finish on time. A. Ill give you a hand. B. Please dont say it. C. Please do me a favor. 3.— Id like a wake-up call at 7:00 a. m.,please! — OK, A. you will certainly make it. B. just do what you like. C.Ill make sure you get one. 4.— Terribly sorry to interrupt,but may I use your dictionary? — Yes, A. of course. B. it doesnt matter. C. no hurry. 5.— I think I made a great mistake. A.I dont think so. You really made an error. B. I dont think so. Its not your fault. C.Idont think so. Its really terrible. (1389号)管理英语4试题第1页(共6页) 二、词汇与结构(共计30分,每小题2分) 6—20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答 案序号写在答题纸上。 6.AT.T found that employees with better planning and decision-making skills were to be promoted into management jobs. A. more likely B. more like C. more unlikely 7. managers spend most of their time in face-to-face contact with others,but they spend much of it obtaining and sharing information. A.Not only B. Do not only C.Not only do 8. his bad temper,the employees called him Mr. Thunder,but they loved him. A. Due to B.In spite of C. Because 9.Express your true intention with few words you can. A. so...that B. as...as C.s



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