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scott young 是来自美国麻省理工学院计算机科学专业的学生,他 令人惊讶的是他超强的学习能力,他 12 个月自学完成了本专业 33 门 课程的学习,那么他是如何完成这一的学习,有什么样的技巧,下面小 编从 scott young ted 演讲提炼出精彩的部分。 scott young ted 演讲 教你超速学习 Scott Young-Can you get an MIT education for $2,000? This is just a summary of the speech“Can you get an MIT education for $2,000? ” made by Scott young. I learned about Scott Young and his story from my friend 3 days ago. And I am so amazing that one person can finish 33 course of computer science of MIT in 12 months instead of 4 years. So I decided to learn about his story. Then I find his speech on TEDx. I watched it for several times and I write down this summary. 1 Motivation Many students are complain about government ’s cut-down strategies of there subsidy of the tuition. But if one person can learn whole course of a degree by spending 12 months instead of 4 years and 1/100 cost of the tuition, he will not complain it again. So when we hope some changes of government or school, why not make some changes on ourselves. I learn the MIT courses just for the curiosity. I just want education but not school. There are so many online free courses 1 of famous university or college. So I have chance to learn about the MIT courses, and when I chose some online courses of the computer science, I just thought about “why not learn the whole degree? ” And the cost is just few textbook which price under $2,000. I mean, I can get the computer science degree while I get my business degree. That ’s fantastic! 2 Challenges The real challenges I faced is to learn the course. The MIT courses are so difficult to learn and understand even you are a bright student. I make a curriculum of these courses. And I found that every 10 days I should pass an exam, at the same time, I have to finish the program projecting. (That’s gonna be crazy if I was Scott Young. ╮(╯▽


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