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扩展TS的方法有很多,我们来从简单到复杂地学习。 2021/3/7 4 三种 段的目的和扩展方式: 1. 论证一个好处或者坏处 明确的影响/结果作为TS → 原因分析 → 举例/对比/反向假设 →扣回TS (改写重复或 者往下降一层) 2. 一个段落多分论点的展开(一般出现在discussion或者outweigh ) 带着信号词(some/several/two/three )的笼统型TS → Firstly, 第一个分论点 + 解释 → Secondly, 第二个分论点 + 解释 3. 分析一个原因(几乎只出现在report) 用事实/趋势作为原因TS → 结果/举例 → 结果(回应题目 ) 2021/3/7 5 • 明确的影响作为TS → 原因分析 → 举例/对比/反向假设 →扣 回TS (改写重复或者往下降一层) 1. 解释原因是人类的本能,但必要要保证TS是一个结果; 2. 原因解释写完之后有很多方法继续往下扩展,不要局限; 2021/3/7 6 TS + 原因解释 + 对比--早上学对孩子的好处 Another advantage of going to school at an early age is that children develop faster socially. (针对前面socially的解释,省略了This is because)They make friends and learn how to get on with other children of a similar age. (没有举例,但是用上学和在家待着作为对比)This is often not possible at home because they are the only child, or because their brothers or sisters are older or younger. 2021/3/7 7 TS + 原因解释+举例解释互联网的使用导致隐私 On the other hand, using the internet does have a potential cost with regard to loss of privacy. (This is because) everything that internet users do is recorded by companies such as and , and there is not much that the typical user can do to prevent it. For example, internet users should bear in mind that all of their s and searches are saved, and that might know more about their activities than their families do. As far as is concerned, its users seem happy to reveal the identities of their friends and families, as well as the


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