高中英语教学课件:Book8 Unit1 Reading _ California-.ppt

高中英语教学课件:Book8 Unit1 Reading _ California-.ppt

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2 Complete these sentences, using new words from the text. 1. A _______ country consists of a group of states. 2. That is the biggest _______ church I have ever seen. federal catholic 3. The ________ of us voted for Mr Red, who then became chairman of the committee. 4. The ________ of Education is one of the government departments. 5. The economic ______ in recent years has created more job opportunities. 6. _______ shaped like a boot lies in the south of Europe. majority Ministry boom Italy 7. We should draw a __________ between right and wrong. 8. To make the crossing from Shandong to the Northeast, our ancestors suffered all kinds of _________. 9. The people from South or North _______ are called Koreans. 10. Nobody knows who will be _________ as president or vice president of this country. distinction hardship Korea elected 3 Choose the words and phrases to fill in the blanks, changing their forms if necessary. aircraft crossing by means of make a life rail strait Arctic My nephew’s first holiday to the ______ was a delight. The scenery and the icebergs excited him. Looking across the Bering _____ into Russia was something he would remember forever. To make the ________ between these two great countries seemed as if it would take no time at all! Then he travelled across the ice ___________ a dog sled. It made the journey he had earlier done by _______ seem very ordinary. Arctic strait crossing by means of rail When he reached the North Pole, he found nothing exciting except for a sign marking the spot, but he did meet some scientists there who were studying the melting of the ice and ____________ for themselves among the snowy hills and plains. After a short break he took the local ____________ to fly back to Alaska and the sea voyage back home! aircraft making a life The USA — A land of diversity Star-Spangled Banner 13 stripes red white blue


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