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摘要 本文通过市场调研,发现目前图书馆管理中存在许多问题,如借阅记录混乱、图书信息不准确、统计报表不及时等。为了解决这些问题,我们决定设计一款图书管理系统。 在系统设计方面,我们采用了Java语言作为开发语言,MySQL数据库作为数据存储技术,Spring框架作为应用框架。同时,我们还选择了MyBatis和Spring Data JPA等持久层框架,以及Thymeleaf作为模板引擎。这些技术的选用,既保证了系统的稳定性和安全性,又提高了系统的可维护性和扩展性。 在系统功能方面,我们设计了图书信息管理、借阅管理等功能模块。其中,图书信息管理模块包括图书基本信息的录入、添加、修改和删除等功能;借阅管理模块包括读者信息管理、借阅证管理、借阅操作管理和归还操作管理等功能。 关键词 图书馆 ;管理系统 ;JAVA ;MYSQL Abstract Through market research, this article finds that there are many problems in library management, such as chaotic borrowing records, inaccurate book information, and untimely statistical reports. To address these issues, we have decided to design a book management system. In terms of system design, we use Java language as the development language, MySQL database as the data storage technology, and Spring Framework as the application framework. At the same time, we also selected persistence layer frameworks such as MyBatis and Spring Data JPA, as well as Thymelaf as the template engine. The selection of these technologies not only ensures the stability and security of the system, but also improves its maintainability and scalability. In terms of system functions, we have designed functional modules such as book information management and borrowing management. Among them, the book information management module includes functions such as inputting, adding, modifying, and deleting basic book information; The borrowing management module includes functions such as reader information management, borrowing card management, borrowing operation management, and return operation management. Keywords library; Management system; JAVA ; MYSQL 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 22681 摘要 3 4728 Abstract 4 18192 绪论 1 7132 第一章 系统需求与分析 2 14897 1.1 需求分析 2 27576 1.2 功能性需求 2 18818 1.3 开发环境需求 3 20789 1.4 可行性分析 3 11870 1.4.1 技术可行性 3 29641 1.4.2 操作可行性 4 8129 1.4.3 经济可行性 4 11873 第二章 相关技术分析 6 30041 2.1 JAVA 6 2200 2.2 MYSQL 6 5207 2.3 JS 6 26325 2.4 Tomcat 7 31638 第三章 系统设计 8 4180 3.1 系统模块图 8 12808 3.2



