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范文范例参考 范文范例参考 完美 完美Word格式整理版 6A En glish Exercise One Class: Name: 一、 用所给词的适当形式填空 PIease pick (they) up for me. The (ma n) like drinking milk. t's (Tom) tur n to play the pia no. The girl isn't weari ng (some)clothes. There be) any milk and two pin eapples in the fridge two days ago. Does these shoes fit you (good)? The girl is look ing after (he). My En glish teacher showed his new pen. There's a lot of (rai n) there in spri ng. 10.lt morni ng. 二、 句型转换 改为一般疑问句)There were some apples on the table.( 改为否定句 改为一般疑问句) The girl tells us a story.( 改为否定句) 改为否定句) can't go to school on foot.( 改为同义句) 5.It was time for dinner.( 改为同义句) He buys some bread and honey.( 改为一般过去时) 7.lt rained yesterday.( 改为同义句) 8.She lost her bike.( 改为一般现在时) We saw some ants on the cakes.( 改为单数句) played football with my friends.( 提问) 、根据中文提示完成句子 你昨晚看电视了吗?没有。 you TV last n ight ? No, I . 今天早上你干了什么?我去拜访了我的祖父母。 you morni ng ? I my gran dpare nts. 你假日过得怎么样?非常有趣。 was your ? It was . 我昨天骑自行车去上学。 I school yesterday. 那时我妈妈从商店里买东西。 My mother things the shop the n. 以前我不会骑自行车,但是现在我会了。 I not , but now I . 上周他在湖里捉了很多鱼。 He many last week. 这些标志是什么意思?危险!你不可以在这儿游泳。 What these mean? ! You swim here. 什么使得我们的教室又脏又乱? Want our classroom and ? 麦克的卧室很干净 bedroom is very . 6A En glish Exercise Two Class: Name: 一、 用所给词的适当形式填空 The ki ng (wear) the new clothes now. You can't (smoke) in the school. There are many black (cloud) in the sky. (look) for my pens」 (lose) it last ni ght. 5.1'd like (eat) bananas. I don ' t want (drink). Please liste n to (she). Each student (study) hard. Look at (this) pictures of (we) city. Those are (they) books. My sister likes (watch) films. She (watch)films last ni ght. He (not do ) his homework yesterday. 二、 句型转换 There are seve n days in a week.( 提问) 改否定句)like read ing En glish stories.( 改否定句) Ya ng Li ng has an e-book.( 提问) 4.She reads n ewspaper on the In ternet.( 改为一般过去时) He could read and draw.( 改否定句) That sig n means you_can't_eat_bananas_here.( 提问) 7.She' s readin


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