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新动力学、空间折叠和超光速飞行理论New Dynamic Theory, Space folding and Superluminal Theory摘要Abstract:或许你无法想像,相对我来说,火箭等应用动量守恒的技术原理已经落后了。依靠现代物理学原理和现代物理学思考的思维方式,航天技术已经进入了死角。我在物理研究中侧重于过程,从而得到一些新的结果。物质的不同速度的存在,也必存在不同的内在微观的细微状态的不同。为此,我假设了一个关于这种微观细微状态的模型。我构想中的模型是由无数的基元组成的。而基元,我认为是最最基本的形体(主要针对速度而假设的)。而要改变物质宏观的运动状态,通过改变内在微观状态也可以达到宏观上的改变。而正是这个针对速度的最本质的假想模型,我发现在某些情况下物质体是可以超光速运动的。在研究宇宙最初的演化时,我找到了物体超光速运动的原理。在宇宙大爆炸的前后一段时间,物质的速度一定是非常非常快,也只有这样才能从高密度的宇宙诞生前的奇点中或边缘逃逸出来。但是,现代物理学认为光是最快的,在这种情况下,如果那时有光子的话,它是不可能从奇点中逃逸出来的。因为它绝对没法从黑洞里逃逸,就更不用说比黑洞密度更大奇点了。然而,我们的宇宙现在的存在正表示着在奇点和大爆炸时有某些可能的未知因素让物质的速度比光速还快。而正是这些因素使物质体的超光速飞行将成为可能。而因素之一可能就是背景空间场,按照我的动力学模型,特殊的场激发了物质的原始基元组合,使之成为另一种更”散”组合,从而令物质体的速度可以超越光速。Maybe you are hardly for assumption, in my viewpoint; the technology of rocket which is supported by momentum conservation law is un-advantage. It is the end of the classical dynamics for spaceship, and cause of the Classical and Modern Concept for Physics. There are many new discovers which found by new concept which is tend to the process of changing. Finally, I found the new concept for the speed. There are different conditions with the matter in micro world for difference speeds in macro world. There may be a new way to affect the matter speed changing, and it is by effect the matter in micro. Therefore, I gained new idea for continuing the studying with the super light-speedtheory which is based on the front.And it is refer to the big bang of the cosmos. The singularity density is higher than black hole. The photon is hardly run away. But it is showed that some truths arediffering to the assumptions. Therefore, it was some other factors which caused the matter in higher speed than light-speed. Yet the new concept from the front, new dynamic theory which tend to the process, explain the time when our cosmos at a period before or after big bang.There was a factor may was background field which was sub-system energy from the vacuum. It was original energy which born from vacuum in early time, and collected in group. A


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