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 海啸作用下岸滩演变与床沙组成变化研究 综述# 5 10  摘要:海啸已经成为滨海国家最严重的海洋灾害之一,不仅表现在通过高水位淹没和浪涌冲 击海边地势低平地区,给人类生命和财产造成严重威胁,海啸还会引起大范围的泥沙运动, 造成巨大的岸滩侵蚀和淤积变化,开展相关的研究工作具有重要的价值。本文从海啸波作用 下岸滩演变、床沙组成变化、建筑物周围淘刷和数值模拟四个方面,总结分析了国内外现阶 段海啸波作用下泥沙运动和岸滩演变的研究现状和最新进展,指出了当前研究存在的主要问 题和未来需要突破的关键方向,为将来研究提供借鉴和参考。 关键词:海啸;泥沙运动;岸滩演变;床沙变化;局部冲刷;数值模拟;研究综述 中图分类号:TV14 15 Review of beach profile changes and sorting of sand grains under tsunami waves CHEN Jie, JIANG Changbo, DENG Bin, LONG Yuannan (School of Hydraulic Engineering , Changsha University of Science & Technology, Changsha 20 25 30 35 40 410004) Abstract: The tsunami has become one of the most serious marine disasters. The tsunami is a severe destructive wave which could flood and strike low and flat seashore area as high water flow or bore. It seriously threats to the human life and property. At same time, tsunami waves may move a significant amount of coastal sediment and cause significant changes of beach profiles in the affected coastal regions. This research is vital to carry out. The currently home and abroad studies of beach profile evolution, sorting of sand grains, scour around structure and numerical simulation under tsunami waves are summarized and analyzed. The situation and advance of researches in sediment transport and beach profile evolution under tsunami waves are obtained. This review points out the major problems in current studies and the hot topics in the future also provides a theoretical guidance for the future research. Key words: tsunami; sediment transport; beach profile evolution; sorting of sand grains; scouring; numerical simulation; review 0 引言 近些年来海啸灾害频发,特别是2004年印度洋海啸和2011年日本海啸震撼了全世界,海 啸已经成为滨海国家最严重的海洋灾害之一,也是联合国“国际减灾十年”所确定的全球重 大自然灾害之一。开展海啸相关的研究工作十分必要,具有十分重要的意义和社会价值。 由于海啸巨大的灾害性,国内外众多学者对于海啸及其相关问题开展了大量的研究工 作。目前我国对海啸的研究还处于起步阶段,研究成果有限。已有研究主要集中于地震学(如: 陶春辉(2008)[1]等)和防灾减灾角度(如:温瑞智(2006)[2]等)的研究。水动力学方面,祝会兵 (2006)[3]、赵曦(2011)[4]等通过数值模拟了研究海啸波的传播,王岗和董国海(2009)[5]对滑坡 -1-  海啸引起的港池振荡问题进行实验研究,王俊(2011)[6]开展了海岸红树林与海啸波相互作用 的实验研究,王登婷(2012)[7]等


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