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八大菜系代表菜外文翻译·Shandong Cuisine (鲁菜)Major characteristics of Shandong Cuisine:1) Prepared with a wide variety of materials. For example. Jiaodong dishes are mainly made of aquatic products due to its proximity to the Yellow Sea. People in Jinan and Jiving like to prepare cuisine with mountain delicacies and seafood delights, melons, fruits, vegetables and peppers.2) A pure, strong and mellow taste, rather than a mixed taste. Chefs are good at using onions and seasonings.3) Shandong Cuisine is known for its excellent seafood dishes and delicious soup.4) Chefs excel at preparing clear, smell, crisp, tender and delicious dishes by frying, stirring and steaming.Famous dishes: Stir Fried Prawns, Fried Sea Cucumbers with Onions, Sweet and Sour Carp, Large Jiaodong Chicken Wings, Taishan Fish with Red Scales, etc.·Sichuan Cuisine (川菜)The main- characteristics of Sichuan Cuisine:1) Prepared with a wide variety of ingredients.2) Presenting various shapes and tastes, and famous for spicy food, fish-flavored shredded pork and food with odd taste.3) Boasting numerous cooking techniques, such as stir frying, frying, stir-frying before stewing, and braising.Famous dishes: Stir-fried Diced Chicken with Chilli and Peanuts, Stir-fried Bean Curd in Hot Sauce, Fish-flavored Shredded Pork, Rice Crusts and Sliced Pork, Stir-fried Sliced Beef, etc.·Guangdong Cuisine (粤菜)Guangdong Cuisine, one of the main cuisine styles in China, is composed of Guangzhou, Chaozhou and Dongjiang cuisine. With the advantages of all delicacies from all over the country, Guangdong Cuisine has gradually formed its own characteristics - using a wide variety of ingredients, offering food of all tastes, shapes and colors, good at changing, and serving light food in summer and autumn, and strong and mellow food in winter and spring. Guangdong Cuisine features sour, bitter, spicy and delicious tastes with a clear and fragrant smell. Guangdong snacks are peculiar about ingredients, some sweet and some salty, enjoying t


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