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M5 Unit 2 unite /yuna?t/ ( unites, uniting, united, to unite ) V-T/V-I If a group of people or things unite or if something unites them, they join together and act as a group. 使联合; 联合 例:We need to unite against terrorism. 我们需要团结起来反对恐怖主义。 /k??d?m/( kingdoms ) 1. N-COUNT A kingdom is a country or region that is ruled by a king or queen. 王国 例:The kingdom's power declined. 王国的势力衰落了。 2. N-SINGAll the animals, birds, and insects in the world can be referred to together as the animal kingdom. All the plants can be referred to as the plant kingdom. (动物或植物) 界 例:The animal kingdom is full of fine and glorious creatures. 动物界有很多精巧而美妙的生物。 /k?ns?st/ ( consists, consisting, consisted ) 1. V-I Something that consists of particular things or people is formed from them. (以…) 为组成部分 例:My diet consisted almost exclusively of chocolate-covered cookies and glasses of milk. 我的饮食几乎只包含裹上巧克力的曲奇饼和一杯杯牛奶。 2. V-ISomething that consists in something else has that thing as its main or only part. (以…) 为主要组成部分 例:His work as a consultant consisted in advising foreign companies on the siting of new factories. 他做顾问的工作主要包括就新工厂选址为外国公司提出意见。 由…构成 例:All bodies consist of molecules and these of atoms.所有物质都是由分子和原子组成的。be made up of 由…构成例:In the wild, wolf packs tend to be made up of close family members representing up to three generations. 在野生状态下,狼群由相近的家庭成员结成,通常三代,第一批幼崽的父母是狼群当然的头领。 London Heathrow Airport希思罗机场,位于英国伦敦 例:Kelly is from Jamaica. When she went to England with her parents, her aunt Mary met them at Heathrow Airport. 凯丽是牙买加人,当她随着父母来到英国时,她的阿姨玛丽在希思罗机场接她们。 /pr?v?ns/ ( provinces ) N-COUNT A province is a large section of a country that has its own administration. 省 例:...the Algarve, Portugal's southernmost province. …阿尔加维,葡萄牙最南端的一个省。 River Avonn. 埃文河(英国西南部一河);雅芳(化妆品品牌) 例:THE Waterside Hotel looks a heavenly spot for a stay, overlooking the river Avon in a quiet part of Worcestershire. 因为可以俯瞰埃文河,在伍斯特郡静谧一隅的湖畔旅馆被认为是一个极好的下榻之所。 River Thames泰晤士河(英国一河流) 例:The skeleton of a whale which died after becoming s


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