《ISO 2107(铝、镁及其合金-回火规定)》.pdf

《ISO 2107(铝、镁及其合金-回火规定)》.pdf

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Reprinted with permission, ©2010 Light Metal Age International Temper Designation Systems for Wrought Aluminum Alloys: Part II – Thermally Treated (T Temper) Aluminum Alloys By Joseph C. Benedyk, Editor Introduction associated with the particular aluminum alloy temper.” This cautionary note applies to both strain hardenable s was published earlier in the October 2009 is- (H temper) and thermally treated (T temper) aluminum sue of Light Metal Age, Part I of this article series alloys, though especially to the latter. In fact, most of the dealt with international temper designation sys- changes incorporated in the ANSI H35.1/H35.1(M)-2009 Atems for strain hardenable (H temper) alumi- standard over the 2006 version apply to thermally treated num alloys and the actions taken by international organi- (T temper) aluminum alloys. zations to make aluminum alloy standards more univer- It seems that, in spite of the significant international 1 sal. This article, Part II of the series, deals with thermally cooperation rendered on aluminum “symbolization”, dif- treated (T temper) aluminum alloys and describes the ferences in temper designations for wrought aluminum latest T temper designations registered by the Aluminum and aluminum alloys still exist from country to country. In Association, the main body registering aluminum alloy some cases, metallurgists may feel comfortable with older compositions and temper designations in its American temper


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