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保密类别编 号院 系 别 新闻传播学院 专 业 广告创意营销(专转本) 班 级 10广告创意营销(专转本) 姓 名 贾云飞 学 号 座机电话号码6 指导教师 王南杰 中国传媒大学南广学院 2014年 月 日 ABSTRACT The creation report is the analysis and elaboration aimed at the actual project Promoting and Marketing Plan case of JUMEI in China Area which is completed by the graduate design work. Graduate design project is in order to promote the brand cognitive JUMEI and infiltrate into the China market, as well as to improve the turnover in the 2014-2015 marketing planning case. The planning case is based on the market research, to promote the awareness of brand JUMEI through a specific marketing planning program in the China region, in order to increase the brand awareness and enhance the purpose of turnover. The creative report conducts a detailed introduction of the main process and the core content of the planning case which contains the creative background, innovation, and creative process; It also summarizes the problems encountered in the graduation design process, as well as deficiencies and harvest in the creative process; Meanwhile, it combs out and enhances the process of the graduate design project theoretically by combining the personal experience of the design project, market research is the premise of the marketing plan, plays a decisive role in the strategy and marketing tools also plays a key role in. Keywords:market research; Marketing planning; marketing tool; promotion 目 录 毕业作品基本信息 I 摘 要 II ABSTRACT III 绪 论 1 一、创作概述 1 一 选题的来源与意义 1 二 毕业设计的创作思路 2 1.聚美优品背景 2 2.推广目的 2 三 毕业设计的创作特色 3 四 预期效果 3 二、创作过程 3 (一)前期准备 3 (二)市场调研 4 (三)方案的确定 4 (四)创作过程中的困难 5 (五)创作毕业设计的不足与收获 6 三、毕业创作的理论知识 7 结 语 8 参考文献 9 附 录 10 后 记 16 绪 论 我们针对聚美优品在大学生中进行了一个市场调查,在通过网上及校园学生的一些反馈情况来看得出了较为真实有效的数据,不难发现,聚美优品的知名度还有待提升,对此,我们就针对提高知名度与销售额做出了相应的推广营销策划案,在了解清楚了聚美优品的具体现状并结合市场调查研究的基础上,推出三种方案进行宣传推广:一、微博合作发布软文及广告;二、电视媒体营销方法;三、体验式推广宣传。我们希望通过这三种不同形式的营销策划,达到更好的宣传力度。为了此次策划案的出炉,我们小组在经过了一系列的前期准备并结合了市场调研结果下,在本着以最小的资源换取最大的宣传效果基础,在成本的合理控制上,针对聚美优品,制定出了最合适的营销方案。 一、创作概述 一 选题的来源与意


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