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摘  要 当今社会是一个高速发展的社会,在高压的生活状态下,通常都会身心疲惫,都会想要找寻一些方式来减少压力,不论如何减压,都不会少了音乐的陪伴。如今随着网络的发展,各国人都可以进行交流,所以不同风格、不同国度的音乐开始到处传播,使我们有了很大的选择空间。音乐的种类多了,人们的需求也在发生变化,对音乐的管理网站也要在不断地升级,本系统就是为人们查询和收集音乐提供更方便的途径。在找到自己喜欢的音乐以后,还为用户表现了多样化的音乐平台。 本文分以下几部分阐述了基于使用,采用和Struts2, Spring,FreeMarker,js技术设计实现过程。 关键词ABSTRACT Our society is a society with high-speed development. Living with high pressure, people will usually feel tiredness, and want to find some way to reduce the pressure, no matter how to reduce the pressure; there is no way without the company with music. Nowadays all the countries exchange frequent, different styles and different countries’ music spread, and give us a very wide space of selection. many people's demands is also changing with so many kinds of music, the web site of the management of music need to constantly upgrading, this system just provide a more convenient approach to music. To find his own music, then it also provide people a platform to contact different music. This article describes with following sections based on use and operation, use the struts2, spring, freemarke and js of the neo framework and operation to achieve the process. The music website system use neo framework and part of the technology to complete the development, a management system to java. Mainly, there are following works to finish in this article. Firstly,to understand and introduce the technology and function used by the developed system, To make actual needs analysis and gross design from the needs of user , and dentally introduce what basic functions the music system should have Classification and design to all functions. Secondly,according to the design, implementation of classified management of the detailed plan of the music, the system is mainly divided into two modules:tourists module and users module, tourists module includes the functions of increase and check, user module include the functions of increase delete change and check . Thirdly,test and comment the music of the web sit



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