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Breast Cancer Breast cancer?is a type of?cancer?originating from?breast?tissue, most commonly from the inner lining of?milk ducts?or the?lobules?that supply the ducts with milk. 乳腺癌是一种起源于乳腺组织的癌症,最常见的是乳导管或乳汁的供应管道的小叶。 While the overwhelming majority of human cases are in women, breast cancer can also occur in men. 尽管病例的绝大多数是女性,乳腺癌也可以发生在男性 Worldwide, breast cancer accounts for 22.9% of all cancers in women. Breast cancer caused 13.7% of cancer deaths in women. 在世界范围内,乳腺癌占所有女性癌症的22.9%。乳腺癌占全球女性癌症死亡的13.7%。 Treatment for breast cancer Treatment for breast cancer can include surgery, chemotherapy,? radiotherapy, hormone therapy or targeted therapy, either alone or in any combination or order. 乳腺癌的治疗包括手术、化疗、放射治疗、激素治疗或靶向治疗,单独或任何组合。 Side effects?of Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is treatment using anti-cancer (also called cytotoxic) drugs? which aims to destroy cancer cells. 化疗是使用抗癌药物(也称为细胞毒性)旨在摧毁癌细胞的治疗。 Side effects?of Chemotherapy Some of the most common side effects?are nausea and vomiting, hair loss or thinning, sore mouth, mouth ulcers,?tiredness and a temporary drop in a number of blood cells (white blood? cells, red blood cells and platelets). 一些最常见的副作用是恶心、呕吐、脱发或变薄,嘴痛,口腔溃疡,疲劳和血液细胞(白细胞、红细胞和血小板)暂时性下降 。 After treatment Cancer-related fatigue 化疗相关性疲劳 emotional demands 情感需求 You and the people close to you will be expecting things to get back to?normal once treatment has finished. After what you’ve been through, it may not be easy just to go back to work, look after the family or pick up social activities again as if nothing had happened. 治疗一结束你和接近你的人就会希望一切回到正常。在经历了一切之后,它可能不容易就回去工作,照顾家人或接社会活动,好像什么事也没有发生过。 Close attention from family and friends as well as the doctors and nurses caring for you is ?still very important before you from anti-social. 在你重反社会之前,家人和朋友以及医生和护士对你的密切关注照顾仍然非常重要。 breast reconstruction or breast prosthesis 乳房重建或者义乳 You may feel that you have lost?your ‘normal’ body shape and this can be frightening and?upsetting. Reactions like this are very common and


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