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Bluehost,Hostmonster及Justhost主机空间邮箱验证 在Bluehost,Hostmonster及Justhost的主机使用中,可能某天你的主机突然被停,然后收到一封如下的邮件: “ Your web hosting account for has been deactivated, as of 08/31/2013. reason: suspicious activity on this account This deactivation was due to a Terms of Service violation associated with your account. At sign-up, all users state that they have read through, understand, and agree to our terms. These terms are legal and binding. Although your web site has been suspended, your data may still be available for up to 10 days from the date of deactivation; if you do not contact us during that 10 day period, your account and all of its files, databases, and emails may be deleted. If you feel this deactivation was made in error, or in order to gain access to your account, please call our account assessment department as soon as possible at 888 401-4678 option 8. To reactivate the account, please be prepared to provide a copy of the credit card holder's government issued ID card such as a passport or driver's license and the front and back of the credit card that was charged. You can white out all but the last four card numbers on the card front. If you signed up through PayPal please be prepared to provide a copy of the PayPal holder's government issued ID card such as a driver's license or passport , the last four characters of the hosting password, the PayPal e-mail address, and the seven digit PayPal Invoice ID number. Thank you, Bluehost Verification Department For support go to / Toll-Free: 888 401-4678 ?o其实Bluehost,Hostmonster,Justhost主机空间用Paypal购买一般时不需要验证的。但是有时候为了安全,他们会让你进行主机空间验证,如果你不能在10天内完成主机空间的验证,他们就会删除你空间数据库的内容。 其实如果你英文口语过关的话,可以他电话给他们。一般他们问的问题也是比较简单的。但是相信大部分人会选择通过邮箱验证。 现在就说说如何通过邮箱验证Bluehost,Hostmonster,Justhost主机空间,由于Bluehost,Hostmonster,Justhost是属于同一公司,验证的步骤应该是一样的。这里就不多重复啰嗦了。 1、如果你是用信用卡购买的,你必须提供如下材料: A、提供政府颁发的信用卡持有者的有效证件的扫描件(身份证、驾照、护照)。一般就用你的手机拍照一下就行了。 注意:有人建议说最好用PS工具在你的证件的文字旁边附上解释会比较好,但这要看个人想法了。本人是觉得没必要啦,毕竟Bluehost主机,Hostmonster主机及Jus


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