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雅思口语第二部分答案总结 (截至2012年4月底) 第一部分 人物描述 Description of “People” 最近题目包括 A good student whom you studied with The oldest person that you know A person who taught you a useful skill A leader you admire A good neighbor A person with a healthy lifestyle 提示:描述人的时候,请“6+6雅思”的同学们一定要注意描述的顺序和逻辑推进,切不可东说一句,西说一句,想到哪里说到哪里,这样不仅显得思维十分混乱,而且会出现大量词汇重复和句式单一的现象,从而影响到整体的分数评价。 请同学们记住,人的描述,分为五段进行。 第一段,总体介绍; 第二段,人的外貌描述 第三段,具体特点描述(注意与题目要求相结合) 第四段,人的个性特点 第五段,你对此人的评价 总体介绍 三句话 Speaking of ****, I would like to talk about Mr./Miss/Mrs/Ms ***. If my memory does not fail me, the first time I met him/her was in 2004 in Shanghai when I was a postgraduate student. To be honest with you, *** left me a deep impression. 人的外貌描述 两句话 *** is an ordinary looking person from appearance. 描述男子: he is a bit sturdy and has a receding hairline, and it is difficult for you to distinguish him from others. 描述女子: she is quite slim and slender, and she has a waving hairstyle. 描述健康的人或孩子: s/he is quite healthy from appearance and s/he has dazzling eyes and glowing skin. (注意:第一句不需要讲) 具体特别描述 这里需要跟具体的题目关联 A good student whom you studied with 参考答案:He is such an intelligent, knowledgeable and interesting student and I usually can learn a lot from him through talks. And in addition, he is also diligent and persistent and he would usually fight really hard to achieve his goals he need. Honestly, he really sets a good example for us during our schooling time. The oldest person that you know 参考答案:He is a professor of anthropology in the University of Fudan in Shanghai. And he has been famous by his hard-working ethic and always hailed by his students as the most outstanding scholar in his field. He has been working in this position for the past thirty years and if everything goes fine he can continue for the next fifteen years. A person who taught you a useful skill 参考答案:My uncle taught me how to cook before I embark upon my overseas study. He is quite patient and meticulous. At the very beginning



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