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《茶花女》中玛格丽特的形象 专业:对外汉语 学生:林瑞芸 指导老师:龚翰熊 摘 要 《茶花女》(1848)的主人公玛格丽特是小仲马以一个真实人物为原型创造而来的。作者敢于反抗世俗偏见,选取了一名妓女作为主人翁。在“丑”与“恶”中挖掘“茶花女”的高贵品质。作者通过对其的悲剧命运的塑造,批判了当时社会价值观的虚伪,揭露了资本主义世界的腐朽与残酷。玛格丽特这一形象生动、饱满、启人深思,具有深远的跨越时代的社会意义及美学意义。本文主要从玛格丽特形象的来源,社会意义,作者的塑造方法和玛格丽特形象的现实意义四个方面进行分析,力求对这一文学形象做出较全面、深入的阐释。 关键词:玛格丽特 形象来源 社会意义 写作技巧 现实意义 The image of Margaret in Dame aux Camellias Major: International Chinese language teaching Student: Lin Ruiyun Supervisor: Gong Hanxiong Abstract Margaret is the hero of La Dame aux Camellias. And the author was Alexandre Dumas fils. And Alexandre Dumas fils(junior) took a real person as the prototype of Marguerite . The author dared to fought against prejudice. He chosed a prostitute as the hero and tried to dig the hero’s noble qualities from the ugly and evil . The author made a criticism to the social values which were unfair and to expose the corrupt and brutal capitalist world to the readers. The image of Margaret was vividly , full of unique personality and has a profound social significance and aesthetic significance through the ages. This article has four main parts: the sources of the image of Margaret, the social significance, the authors writing methods and the image’s realistic significance. All the aspects were analyzed in detail. At the same time, I’m trying to refer to all kinds of documents, and to use the methods such as the exemplification and the contrast argumentation and to improve , the views in detail, make every effort to get a comprehensive and in in-depth results. Key words:Margaret The sources of the image Social significance Writing methods Realistic significance. 目 录 1 引言 1 2 玛格丽特形象的来源 1 2.1 玛格丽特与玛丽·杜普莱西 1 2.2 小仲马与“茶花女” 2 3 玛格丽特形象的社会意义 2 3.1 小仲马和他笔下的玛格丽特 2 3.2 反抗社会偏见的玛格丽特 3 4 小仲马如何塑造玛格丽特这个形象 5 4.1 高超的形象塑造手法 5 4.1.1 巧妙的人物设定与饱满的性格塑造 5 4.1.2 个性化的行为和人物语言 6 4.1.3 细致的肖像描写 7 4.1.4 精彩的侧面描写 8 4.1.5 精妙的架构与独特的叙事角度 9 4.2 存在的瑕疵 9 5 玛格丽特形象的现实意义 1



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