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Writing Recycling is very important for saving the earth. You must have a creative mind. Write a short passage about how to rethink, reuse and recycle the rubbish. Model: Nothing is a waste if you have a creative mind. I can use some old plastic bottles to make some beautiful vases.They can be used to plant some flowers.They are useful. If we rethink,reuse and recycle the rubbish, our earth will be more and more beautiful. Writing Sweet tips: 1.old clothes… bags, cushion, pencil case… [ k??n] 垫子 2.the water left after washing vegetables 洗完蔬菜后剩下的水 water flowers…clean the floor 3.plastic bottles…plastic vases﹙花瓶﹚ 4.recycling textbooks…save a lot of paper saving paper is saving the trees… not only save money…but also …make good use of old books 1.Read the passage again. 3.Make a beautiful art piece using the rubbish after class. 2.Improve your writing. Thanks for listening Bye-bye! Can you rememer the sentences quickly? We should save the earth. I plan to write a book. This boat is very old. The bags are cute and useful. We should save the earth. I plan to write a book. This boat is very old. The bags are cute and useful. Section B 2b Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth! Some pepole have a creative mind. They have a lot of creativity. 创造力 Are they beautiful? What are they made of? They are made of old bottles. n.瓶子 What are they made of? They are made of iron and other materials from old cars. n.铁 Some pepole have a lot of creativity. They can think of good ideas to reuse and recycle the waste things. Some old bottles and iron can be put to good use.They can be made into some beautiful and useful things. a house bags an art piece Rethink, Reuse, Recycle Rethink, Reuse, Recycle Can you guess what the passage is about? It’s about how to rethink,reuse and recycle the rubbish. B.It’s about how to make some beautiful things. Predicting 预测 What’s the writer’s opinion﹙观点﹚? Read Para1 and get your answer. Nothing is


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