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Festival n.节日 Day of the Dead 亡灵节 (obon) Festival Festival Festival Festival Festival In spite of national differences, is not the same, however, their ancestors, in memory of them, pray for happy desire is the same as. 尽管民族不同,方式不一样,可是,祭奠先祖,缅怀逝者,祈求团圆的愿望是一样的。 Festival (Photos) spectacle n.景象,壮观,场面 This is now a public spectacle. 现在这是一个公共奇观。 make a spectacle of oneself 使自己出丑, 出洋相;丢人现眼;当场出丑 * * In China, the annual Lunar New Year in July 15th called ghost festival . On this day, people bring offerings to grave, worship of ancestors, the customs and be handed down from age to age. A narrow strip of water with our neighbors Japan, also attach great importance to this holiday, they use their own way to go. 在我国,每年农历七月十五日称“中元节”。节日这天,人们带上祭品,到坟上去祭奠祖先,这一风俗代代相传。而与我一衣带水的邻邦日本,对这一节日也非常重视,他们用自己的方式去过节。 中元节又称盂兰盆节,早先盛行于中国和印度,后传入日本。盂兰盆节现已成为日本除元旦以外的最大节日。在盂兰盆节前后,学校放暑假,公司企业也都要放假7天到15天。大部分日本人会利用这个时间返乡祭祖。此时,日本家家设魂龛,点燃迎魂火和送魂火,祭奠祖先。 The festival is also called Obon, early popular in China and India, introduced into japan. Obon festival in Japan has become the largest new years day outside. Before and after the bon-odori Festival, summer vacation, companies will have to take 7 to 15 days. Most Japanese people will use this time to home worship. At this time, the Japanese families with soul shrine, light welcome soul fire and send the soul of fire, the worship of ancestors. 每到盂兰盆节,日本的交通系统会格外繁忙,沿高速公路行驶的汽车行列可长达几十公里,像是中国的“春运”时期。盂兰盆节除了家家户户扫墓、祭奠先祖外,更重要的是它已成为日本人合家团圆的节日。日本德岛县的阿波舞会就是盂兰盆节的盛大庆典之一。在鼓声中,男女老少穿着浴衣起舞,祭奠祖先、祈祷风调雨顺。另外,京都的“大文字烧”——点燃松木烧出一个辉煌的“大”字,也已经成为日本盂兰盆节的一个重要标志。 Every Obon, transportation system in Japan will be especially busy, along the highway car ranks can be up to several tens of kilometers, like China s transport during the Spring Festival period. Obon in addition to each and every family grave, worship ancestors, the more important is that it has become a Japanese family reunion festival. One of Tokushima awa Odori dance is Japanese Obon Festival celebrations. In the drum dance, pe


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