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;2.1 Background Information Inquires may be made by letter, email, telegram, telex or fax or even by telephone or through face-to-face talk to ask for information on prices, quantities and other relative details concerning a certain product. An inquiry means possible sales opportunity. Therefore, it must be replied earnestly and enthusiastically. An offer may either be firm or non-firm. An offer may be made in reply to an inquiry or made voluntarily with a view to expanding business. An offer may be made of letter or cable. If it is made by cable, a letter or confirmation will often follow it up. ;(1) An expression of thanks for the inquiry, if there is previous inquiry; (2) Name of goods, quality or specification, quantity, details of prices, discounts, terms of payment, time of shipment, and packing conditions so as to enable the buyer to make a decision; (3) The period for which the offer is valid if it is a firm offer; otherwise, a remark to the effect that the offer is made without engagement; (4) A brief introduction to the goods; (5) An expression of hopes for an order. ;2.2 Situational Conversation Section1: Inquiry At the Shanghai Trade Fair, a Britain buyer Smith (S), is inquiring the prices at a stand. A salesman Mr. Yang (Y) meets him. Mr. Smith: Good Morning. I’m Tom Smith form Fashion & Health Textiles Import and Export Corporation of Liverpool. Here is my card. Mr. Yang: Thank you. I’m Yang Jun, sales representative of Shanghai Meili Textiles Factory. Nice to meet you. ;Mr. Smith: Likewise. I’m very interested in your cotton bed-sheets and pillowcases. I have seen your exhibits and catalogue. They are attractive. Here is a list of requirements. I’d like to have your lowest quotations, CIF Liverpool. Mr. Yang: Thank you for your inquiry, Mr. Smith. These are brand-new products of ours. I’m quite sure that they would be the best-selling ones of ours this year. Mr. Smith: Good. I’m thinking of trying some out. Mr



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