ok.郭璐-PET 2精讲班第7讲(美工版.2012.11.11).ppt

ok.郭璐-PET 2精讲班第7讲(美工版.2012.11.11).ppt

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ok.郭璐-PET 2精讲班第7讲(美工版.2012.11.11)

6)表示否定:That shows how young you are. 7) 询问计划邀请人数:How many people are we going to invite altogether to the party. 8)询问类别:What kind of party will it be? 9) 愿望:I don’t want our guests to be hungry when they leave. 10) 征询意见:How about Friday evening, the 12th of November. Unit 8 Food culture 2.语言重点 1) regular 2)chief 3) interrupt 4) later 5) seat 6) save 7) quality 8) faith 9) mood 10) merely 11) prevent… from… 12) Hungry 13) theme 14) lack 15) blame 16) produce 17) quantity 18) feed Unit 8 Food culture 3.相关词汇详解 1)regular adj.有规律的,定期的,正规的 regular noise, regular exercise, regular teacher frequent, periodical 考题:______ attendance at church on Sundays is important for Christians. A . Often B . Occasional C .Obvious D . Regular 2)chief n.领袖;首长 adj.首要的;等级最高的 leader, main, leading Unit 8 Food culture 3) interrupt vt., vi. 阻断 插嘴 interruption n. Traffic in the city was interrupted by a snowstorm. 考题:We were talking sensibly until he ____with his foolish ideas. A . accept B . interrupt C . believe D . doubt Unit 8 Food culture THE END 谢谢 观看 THE END 谢谢 观看 PETS Level 2 精讲班 主讲老师:郭璐 本章学习目的: 掌握与食物饮料该主题相关的词汇和表达 能就该话题进行简单的交流 Chapter 4 Food and Drink 1.交际要点 1)询问看法:What did you think of the meal at Val’s dinner party last night? 2)赞成:Oh, yes, indeed./Yes! Excellent idea! 3)问时间:How long has he worked here? 4)遗憾:What a pity! 5)提供帮助:May I help you clean it up? Unit 7 Eating and Drinking 6) 谅解:No, it’s quite all right. It doesn’t matter, really. 7) 征求意见:Will you have some beer, Mr. Sears? 8) 问题:Is anything wrong, Madam? 9) 道歉:I’m sorry to hear that./I do apologize. 10) 失望:I’m quite disappointed as a matter of fact. Unit 7 Eating and Drinking 2.语言重点 1) delicious 2) on the whole 3) salty 4)strange 5) no wonder 6) terrible 7)dessert



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