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 1、北京奥运  The Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics logo has a single Chinese character on a traditional red Chinese seal. The English words "Beijing 2008" are written with a Chinese brush below it. At the bottom of the picture, there are the five rings of Olympic Games. The figure in the logo resembles a runner or dancer and the Chinese character "jing" which means "capital".  The image carries the message that today's China is not only a nation with a long and glorious history, but also one full of modern dynamics. First and foremost, this logo is a journey to the future, the emblem for China moving towards the 2008 Olympic Games. What is more, it is a symbol of the city's promise to make the Games a success. Accordingly, this emblem represents the heart of an ancient culture embracing the modern world, the spirit of a people moving towards a new destiny.  In my view, first of all, the Olympic Game represents the spirit of sports. Arms flung wide, it invites all people and the world to share in the city's history, beauty, energy, and its future. In addition, it is a gesture of friendship and hope that the community of nations will unite in peace through sports.  参考译文  北京2008年夏季奥运会会徽在传统的红色中国印章上刻着一枚汉字。汉字下方用中国毛笔书写了“北京2008”的英文字样。图画底部是奥运的五环标志。会徽中的人物象征了一位跑步者或舞蹈者,而汉字“京”的意思是“首都”。  这一会徽表达了当今的中国不仅个拥有悠久灿烂的历史国度,更是一个充满了现代活力的国家。首先,这一会徽是一次奔向未来之旅,是中国迈向2008年奥运会的象征。其次,它是北京承诺将成功举办奥运的标志。因此,这一会徽代表了一种悠久文化拥抱现代世界的信心,以及中国人民迈向新征程的精神。  在我看来,奥林匹克运动会首先代表了体育的精神。它伸展了双臂邀请全世界及其人民分享北京的历史、魅力、能量及未来。此外,它是友谊的象征,以及希望国际社会通过体育运动进而和平共处。 2、留学  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Studying Abroad. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:  1)目前很多中国学生出国留学,  2)出国留学的好处,  3)我的看法。  Nowadays, going abroad for studies is enjoying a striking popularity among adolescents. Importance should be attached to studying abroad.  There are a great many advantages of studying overseas. First and foremost, living and studying abroad offers students a diff


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