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名师解读托福写作句型72变 朗阁海外考试研究中心 在出国类英语考试中单调的句子总是让人有些乏味,新托福写作亦如此。其实,英语句子的结构是千变万化的。因此,我们在准备新托福写作考试时,一定要尽量写出具有一定层次感和节奏感的句子和段落。本文中,朗阁海外考试研究中心写作组的专家将根据多年的写作教学经验,通过举例的形式来讲述如何综合运用不同的句子技巧。 变“一主二仆”式定语从句 一主二仆式定语从句是指一个先行词带有两个或两个以上定语从句的情况。该结构中的定语从句比较规范,均修饰一个先行词,归纳下来有如下几种情况: 1. 作定语:可以把两个定语从句看成并列的定语,也可当作分开的定语修饰先行词,或分别修饰重复的先行词。 … and the old ways of earning a living rivaled by new agricultural techniques, by commerce with hitherto unknown parts of the globe, and by new crafts with strange machines that saved labor and that ran without the traditional human or animal power ……古老的谋生之道正受到新的农业技术、新的贸易、新的行业的挑战;这种新贸易是与世界上一向无人知晓的地区进行的贸易,而种种新行业则是使用一些无需传统的人力畜力驱动、可节省劳动力的奇特的机器。(并列的定语) Almost everything which really matters and which the world possessed at the commencement of the modern age was already known to man at the dawn of history. 近代史开始时,世界拥有的每一项重大成就,已为历史发端期的人们所知晓。(分开的定语) And it helps to explain why so many inventions that were of Chinese origin or that had been known to the Greco-Romans, were fully developed and exploited only by the Western Europeans. 它有助于说明,为什么发源于中国的许多发明和希腊罗马人所知道的许多发明,只是在西欧人手中才得到全面发展和充分利用。(分开的定语修饰重复的先行词) 2. 并列句:可以把两个定语从句简单地看成一个并列句,也可以把它们拆成两个分开的并列句,用来表示并列、转折或先后顺序等关系: Consequently the manor was a self-sufficient village that was worked by serfs who were not free to leave, and who with their labor supported a hierarchy of lay and clerical lords. 因而,采邑是靠农奴经营的自给自足的村庄;农奴不能随便离开,并以其劳动养活教俗封建集团。(一个并列句) Not surprisingly, the most complex political structures appeared in the Sudan, where long distance trade was most highly developed and where Islamic influence was the strongest. 毫不奇怪,苏丹出现了最复杂的政治组织,在那里,长途贸易发展得最快,伊斯兰教的影响最为强烈。(两个并列句) Our aim is to establish in Ghana a strong and progressive society … where poverty and illiteracy no longer exist and disease is brought under control;and where our educational facilities provide all the children of Ghana with the best possible opportunities for the development of their potentialities. 我们的目的是在加纳建立一个强大、进步的社会……在这里,贫困和文盲不再存在,疾病得到控制;在这里,我们的教育机构


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