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amount的用法详解 ? 1. amount用作名词 其意为“数量”、“金额”等,通常用于 a (great, large) amount of 这类结构,其后通常接不 HYPERLINK "/Article/grammar/Index.html" \t "_blank" 可数名词。如: He made a large amount of money. 他赚了大量的钱。 They have to process a large amount of data. 他们得处理大量数据。 I had not expected such an amount of praise. 我没料到受到这么多赞扬。 A large amount of damage was done in a short time. 短期内造成大量损害。 I had not expected such an amount of praise. 我没料想受到这样多的赞扬。 He must memorize large amounts of material. 他必须背熟大量材料。 注意:这类结构用 HYPERLINK "/Article/basic/Index.html" \t "_blank" 作主语,其谓语的数取决于 amount 的数。如: 在这座桥上花了大量资金。 正: A large amount of money was spent on the bridge. 正: Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge. 比较:在 a great number of 之后通常接 HYPERLINK "/Article/grammar/Index.html" \t "_blank" 可数名词(用 HYPERLINK "/Article/adult/Index.html" \t "_blank" 复数)。如: ? 2. amount用作动词 用作动词时意为“合计”、“等于”、“意味着”,通常是不 HYPERLINK "/Article/interesting/Index.html" \t "_blank" 及物动词,其后常接 HYPERLINK "/Article/200810/542.html" \t "_blank" 介词 to。如: Building cost amounts to six million dollars. 建筑费用达600 万元。 Her reply amounts to a refusal. 她的回答等于拒绝。 注意:由于其后接的to为 HYPERLINK "/Article/200810/542.html" \t "_blank" 介词,所以后接动词时,该动词要用 HYPERLINK "/Article/200711/12.html" \t "_blank" 动名词。如: 这等于是欺骗老师。(from ) 误:This amounts to cheat the teacher. 正:This amounts to cheating the teacher. 析:amount 用作动词,表示“等于”,是不 HYPERLINK "/Article/interesting/Index.html" \t "_blank" 及物动词,其后接的to 为 HYPERLINK "/Article/200810/542.html" \t "_blank" 介词。 no amount of [英] ? HYPERLINK "javascript:;" 加入生词本?   HYPERLINK "/wap/2way/?from=iciba" \t "_blank" 手机上查词? 基本释义 英英释义 更多资料 1.?怎么(再多)也…不 HYPERLINK "/nlsfunc/" \o "上一词:nlsfunc" nlsfunc HYPERLINK "/no%20amount%20policy/" \o "下一词:no amount policy" no amount policy 创建者:词友 HYPERLINK "/?s=no%20amount%20of&key=c9217a29dffa401f271791d08cacf1e5" \t "_blank" 编辑 HYPERLINK "/?c=add" \t "_blank" 添加 HYPERLINK "/feedback/write.php?id=1&word_name=no%20amount%20of" \t "_blank" 有奖指正 网络释义 以下结果来自互联网 1. 表示再多的吗 相关问题 添加到搜藏已解决...no am


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