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安徽工业大学毕业设计(论文)任务书课题名称六西格玛管理方法在马钢益文机械厂的应用研究学 院 管理科学与工程学院专业班级工业工程051姓 名学 号毕业设计(论文)的工作内容:了解并掌握六西格玛管理和持续质量改进原理和方法。掌握持续质量改进中所用到的改进方法及其适用范围。学会应用六西格玛管理中的工具对过程稳定性进行分析,并针对该厂产品提出有效的改进途径。综合运用各种方法和技能对企业员工素质进行提升,组织员工成立QC小组,并对其创新能力进行培训。摘要20世纪80年代,摩托罗拉公司提出了6σ质量目标,90年代,摩托罗拉和通用电气公司(GE)推行6σ管理,取得了非常显著的效果,引起世界各国的高度关注,发达国家各大企业纷纷效仿引进和推广,在全球引起了一场6σ管理的浪潮。随后的二十年来,六西格玛管理受到了企业界的广泛接纳和理论界的普遍好评。六西格玛技术作为一种质量改进的工具,在实践中不断充实与发展,当今,六西格玛管理发展成为可以使企业保持持续改进、增强综合领导能力、不断提高顾客满意度及经营业绩并带来巨大利润的一整套管理理念和系统方法。进年来,国内很多大企业也纷纷引进,致使六西格玛管理成为当前质量管理的一个主流。本文从马鞍山益文厂的质量管理现状出发,分析六西格玛管理在该厂中应用的困难和可行性,以及在企业中推行的步骤。最后通过一个提高工序稳定性的实际案例,运用统计的分析方法,按实施六西格玛管理法的DMAIC流程,说明如何在小型企业中具体应用这种管理方法。【关键词】六西格玛 ,质量改进,DMAIC过程ABSTRACT20thcentury 80's, Six Sigma quality objectives are proposed by Motorola.90's,Motorola and General Electric Company (GE) management of the implementation of Six Sigma, and achieved a very significant effect, caused great concern around the world. The developed countries follow the example of major companies have introduced and promotion, thus giving rise to a global wave of Six Sigma management. The subsequent two decades, Six Sigma has been widely accepted in the business sector and the general theory of praise. Six Sigma quality improvement techniques as a tool to enrich the practice and development, today, Six Sigma can be developed into a continuous improvement to enable enterprises to maintain and enhance the leadership capacity of an integrated, continuously improving customer satisfaction and business performance and generate huge profits a set of management methods and systems. Into the years, many large enterprises have also introduced, with the result that six sigma quality management has become the mainstream. In this paper, the text was started from the Status quo of Ma On Shan quality management, the analysis of Six Sigma management in the application of the plant and the feasibility of the difficulties, as well as in the enterprise to implement the steps. Finally, through a process to improve the


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