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网络相册的设计与实现摘 要 随着时间进入21世纪,社会生产力飞速发展,新技术层出不穷,人类使用、学习资料和包装信息的方式,正在经历一场势不可挡的革命。目前,数千万互联网人口,这让中国成为了世界上网民最多的国家。非常多有信息需要的人,首先想到的是上网。毫无疑问,网站已成为最具吸引力和最有效的信息传递和方法手段。 本设计是一个基于B/S构架的链接数据库,采用JSP技术开发的网络相册系统。设计最终实现了用户注册,用户登录,修改密码,创建相册,上传照片等基本功能。网站运行状况良好,各级页面的交互性相对较好。在设计过程中,运用了JSP的基础功能进行编程,在系统规划中先后运用了系统功能结构图、数据流程图分析网站应当具有的功能和数据处理流程。并详细展现了系统的各个模块,给出了主要功能的实现界面图。关键词: 网络相册;JSP;SQL server;开发The Design and Implementation of web albumsAbstractHas entered the 21st century, With the rapid development of social productive forces, new technologies emerge one after another,the way humans use and learn information, and packaging information, is undergoing an unstoppable revolution, the revolution than the effect produced by the appearance of the printing press and the promotion of social development far more complex and enormous. Atpresent, China's Internet population of nearly a million, the establishment of the world's most populous country, many people in need, information, the first thought is the Internet. Undoubtedly, the site has become the most attractive and most efficient means of information transmission and methods.、Web-based electronic album system is developed by using a JSP-based B / S architecture to connect the database of electronic photo album sites. Designed to eventually reached, including user registration, user login, modify password, create album, upload photos the basic functions. And the site to work correctly, each page is a good interaction. Throughout the design of the basic use of JSP-based functional programming, planning has used in the system data flow diagram, the system function structure chart analysis of the site required for a variety of data, detailed display of the various functional modules of the system and gives the main functions of running interface diagram. Keywords :Web Albums;JSP;SQL server;development目 录摘要IAbstractII第一章绪论11.1 选题背景11.2 目的和意义11.3 国内外的发展现状21.4 软件现状21.5 发展前景31.6 论文结构3第二章相关技术介绍42.1 JSP技术简介42.2 JavaBean技术42.3 JDBC技术


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