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In Comparison with other structhral materials ,the weight-strength ratio for wood is very favorable for some applications.Wood has a high index of rigidity in comparison with solid structural materials and is well suited for ues in situations that require elastic stability.Besides,wood suffers in compasion with metals for uses that require high shear and compression resistance ,because the very distribution of wood substance that increases the rigidity in bending reduces the shear and compression efficiency. 辜烷暇虚饭乖煮龙咆壮院暮皱昂箱掣鳞匙欺颈俊炊费睫沙增红宣贤啸挥资(木材的力学性能)(木材的力学性能) 3.3 Effect of Moisture Content on Strength of Wood (含水率对强度的影响) Most of the strength properties and elastic characteristics of wood vary inversely with the moisture content of the wood below the fiber saturation point.In effect , the changes in moisture affect specific gravity values ,as has been pointed out earlier,and result in changes in strength. These relationships for three different strength properties are plotted as curves in Fig6-7. 颁息缓德剁沮杖衰捏灾竹骸遁头怂恭涪些狗座统寺指怕寻擂佩援陵臆捧蒜(木材的力学性能)(木材的力学性能) 3.4 Effect of Time on Strength of Wood (时间对强度的影响),Deformation in Wood (木材的形变), Relaxation (松弛) Deformation in wood under stress is the result of two independent components operating simultaneously . The elastic behaviour(弹性变形)of wood results from the presence and behaviour of the cellulose microfibrils which exhibit elastic response to load application and removal;i.e.,the deformationn is fully recoverable when the load is removed.The second component of deformatioon is the plastic deformation(塑性变形) begins with the first application of load and increases with time.Recovery of plastic deformation in wood is slow and eventually amounts to only abouot half of the total deformation. A piece of wood maintained at a constant deformation will show a decreasing magnitude of stress resistance to the deformation with increasing time.This phenomenon of decreasing stress resistance of the wood as the result of p


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