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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Chinese Party-State Outline Center of the party-state Party structure at the center Government structure at the center National People’s Congress Local structure of party-state Local people’s congresses Local Party & government organs Communist party-state Organizational design of political system the difficult task of institutionalization Mao Zedong borrowed from the Leninist party-state of the Soviet Union the imperial system of ancient China principles of guardianship and hierarchy Mao added the idea of the “mass line” Common Features The political systems of imperial China and the former Soviet Union centralized control bureaucratic administration the role of ideology no room for private, individual interests no room for organized opposition to the state Changes in the System Great Leap Forward (1958 - 1961) Cultural Revolution (1966 - 1976) political reforms in the post-Mao era substantive issues, policies, and the allocation of power have changed greatly the formal structure of the political system has endured Communist party-state Guardianship the Party represents the historical best interests of the people the “people’s democratic dictatorship” allows no organized opposition to party leadership Hierarchy of party and govt. organizations “democratic centralism” consultation and implementation Village CCP General Secretary Jiang Zemin (1989 - 2002) Hu Jintao (2002 - ) Politburo Standing Committee Each heads party work in one area organization and personnel propaganda and education finance and economy political-legal affairs foreign affairs etc. CCP Central Committee About 200 members (and 150 alternate) membership in CC reflects political power Central Committee departments: Department of Organization Department of Propaganda Department of United Front Department of International Liaison CCP National Congress Meets every 5 years since 1977 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002 16th National Party Congress Nove


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