等效翻译观下汉语双关语的翻译策略研究——以《红楼梦》两个英译本杨译和霍译为例A study on the translation strategies of Chinese pun in the equivalent translation view -- a case study of the two English versions of the dream of Red Mansions and the tra.pdf

等效翻译观下汉语双关语的翻译策略研究——以《红楼梦》两个英译本杨译和霍译为例A study on the translation strategies of Chinese pun in the equivalent translation view -- a case study of the two English versions of the dream of Red Mansions and the tra.pdf

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等效翻译观下汉语双关语的翻译策略研究——以《红楼梦》两个英译本杨译和霍译为例A study on the translation strategies of Chinese pun in the equivalent translation view -- a case study of the two English versions of the dream of Red Mansions and the tra

摘 要 双关语作为一种特殊的修辞手法,在文学作品中被广泛应用。一般来讲,双 关语大体上有谐音双关语和谐义双关语两大类,这些双关语在文学作品中能够起 到渲染小说氛围、推动情节发展、揭示人物命运和性格等作用,以达到幽默、讽 刺的效果。 双关语的翻译一直以来是翻译界的一大难题,存在着一定程度上的不可译 性。著名学者卡特福德认为双关语的不可译性主要归结于文化和语言两个方面, 而奈达提出的“等效翻译”从读者角度出发,充分考虑到文化在内的各种因素, 可以说很大程度上降低了双关语的不可译性。等效翻译理论是翻译界最具有影响 力的理论之一,它使翻译跳脱了语言层面的束缚,使译者不再仅仅从语言的角度 来考虑翻译问题,而是从更广泛的层面上来考虑翻译问题,奈达的等效理论实质 上是指文化层面的等效。从语言的等效上来说,双关语的翻译几乎是不可能的, 而从文化方面的等效来说,双关语是可以译的。 中国古典文学名著《红楼梦》中大量使用的双关语可以说为汉语双关语的翻 译策略研究提供了很好的范本,而关于这部作品影响比较大的英译本当属霍克斯 译本以及杨宪益夫妇的译本。因此,本文旨在以曹雪芹《红楼梦》中的双关语为 例,选取霍克斯和杨宪益夫妇的英译本,对比两个不同译本采取的翻译策略,以 等效翻译观为指导,从文化等效的角度重点总结归纳汉语双关语的翻译策略和方 法,并分析具有不同文化背景的译者在翻译时会受到哪些因素的影响而采取不同 的翻译策略。通过研究《红楼梦》中双关语的翻译策略,研究在汉语双关语的翻 译过程中,可以采取同样的策略来达到文化上的等效,以达到文化交流的目的, 真正意义上实现奈达等效翻译理论的宗旨。 关键词:双关语; 文化; 等效; 红楼梦; 翻译策略 i Abstract As a special rhetoric device, pun is widely used in literature works. In general, pun can be classified into two categories: homophonic pun and homonymic pun. In literature works, pun plays an vital role in creating appropriate atmosphere, promoting the development of the plot, exposing the personality of characters and implying the doomed fate of characters. Puns are usually used to make a bitting satire or create a kind of humor. The translation of pun is always a difficult problem in the field of translation, because it is untranslatable to some degree. Catford, a famous scholar, argued that the untranslatability of pun due to language barrier and culture barrier. But Nida ‟s equivalent effect theory, considering many factors including culture and so on from the perspective of readers‟ response, reducing the untranslatability of pun at a large extent. As one of the most important translation theories, equivalent effect theory makes translation get rid of the constraint of language. Then tra



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