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广东外语外贸大学 商务英语本科毕业论文 ( 2012 届 ) 论文题目 An Exploration of the Strategies of Improving Speaking (英文) with Reading in Business English Learning 论文题目商务英语学习中以读促说的策略探讨 (中文) 继教(公开)学院 商务英语 自考 2014年11月5日 An Exploration of the Strategies of Improving Speaking with Reading in Business English Learning Abstract: For business English majors whom have achieved perfectly in written text and have accumulated amount of vocabulary, but once they are in contact with foreign clients, no suitable words to response or reply does not reach the designated position, through a large number of reading professional journals, to master the language characteristics of business English and how to do business in effective communication, promote speaking with reading is a better way for knowing the business etiquette, to promote effective communication, analyze and discuss in English learning. In order to give some helps to Business English majors, this paper tries to solve the practical difficulties of speaking English effectively. Key words: improving speaking with reading, English learning, strategy 商务英语学习中以读促说的策略探讨 摘要: 针对现在书面考试成绩不错,积累了一定词汇量的商务英语专业学生,但是一旦接触外国友人,需要口头表达却应答不上或应答而不达意的现状,探讨了通过大量专业刊物阅读,分析掌握商务英语的语言特点及商务活动中如何做到有效沟通,讲述通过以读促说的方式更好懂得商务礼仪、促进有效沟通,分析探讨英语学习中如何做到以读促说,以便更好帮助商务英语专业学生更好地解决说英语的实际困难。 关键词:以读促说;英语学习;策略 Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. The relationship between reading and speaking 2 3. How to improving speaking with reading. 3 3.1 Cultivate tone of voice, thus more correctly, more authentic. 5 3.2 Accumulate vocabulary, thus in suitable scene and use more appropriately. 5 3.3 Comprehend sentence structure, thereby more in line with the custom. 6 3.4 Enhance speech discrimination and response capability, so right repartee. 7 4. The strategies about improving speaking with reading 8 4.1 Some possible ways of improving speaking with reading 8 4.2 Two approa


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