新目标初中英语七年级上册Unit 8 When is your birtday教案.doc

新目标初中英语七年级上册Unit 8 When is your birtday教案.doc

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新目标初中英语七年级上册Unit 8 When is your birtday教案

Unit 8 When is your birthday? Section A(1a-2d) 【教材分析】本课是新目标英语八年级上册第8单元,教材以 为中心话题,学习和,让学生。本课教学内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引发学生运用简单的英语进行交际和交流。 【教学目标】 一、语言知识目标: 学习日期表达方法(月份、日期) 学会谈论自己、同学及家人的生日 掌握月份及序数词 new words: when, month, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, , November, December, happy, first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth 二、语言技能目标: 能用“when”questions来谈论自己、同学及家人的生日 三、情感态度目标: 学会关心他人,做一个有细心有爱心的人 【教学重难点】 1、教学重点 (1) 词汇: when, month, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, , November, December, happy, first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth (2) 句型 ①--When is your birthday? -- My birthday is on May 2nd./It’s on May 2nd. ②-- When is Alice’s birthday? --Her birthday is on… ③ topic: birthday 2、教学难点 (1)12个月份会读并读准确 (2)序数词的变化及2nd, 3rd, 5th的读音 三、教学步骤 Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purposes I. Lead-in and presentation Enjoy a month song and greeting. Let Ss read after the tape,then by themselves. Let Ss have a challenge. Present ordinal numbers one by one, by the sentence “ The 1st month of the years is January.” Explain ordinal numbers and let Ss read after the tape, then talk about the rules 1、Enjoy the song and review the months 2、Ss read the months. 3、See the picture and speak the months quickly. 4、Ss get to know the meaning of the ordinal numbers and how to read from 1-12. Ss read 12 ordinal numbers. 5、Ss read the ordinal numbers and get to know the rules. 以轻快的歌曲引入,歌曲是关于12月份的单词,简洁明了,直入主题。接着直接教授12个月份的单词,学生跟磁带读这几个单词。随后让学生快速看日历并说出月份作为对学生的再次检测。然后在复习单词时引入序数词,让学生猜测几个序数词的词义。在这里学生对序数词有个大致的了解。 II. Listening and practice Present some festivals, ask Ss “when is …?” Talk about teacher’s birthday, then ask Ss “when is your birthday?” Listen and number the conversations. Let Ss read after the tape and practice the three conversations. Mr. Smith asks his Ss about their birthdays, and when are they? First circle the numbers, then match the months and dat


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