语文版中职英语(基础模块 上册)Unit 6《Weather》课件2.ppt

语文版中职英语(基础模块 上册)Unit 6《Weather》课件2.ppt

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* 1.Talking about weather. 2.Say something about the seasons. 3.Reading comprehension Revision Choose the best answer according to the following words and expressions. 1. Season ( ) B. 季节 C. 春天 D. 植物 A. 天气 B 2. Weather ( ) A 季节 B 天气 C 是否 D 假期 B 3. World ( ) 假期 植物 世界 田地 C 4. Short ( ) 长的 短的 高的 矮的 B 5.Change( ) 改变 出现 带来 希望 A spelling 春天 夏天 秋天 冬天 spring summer autumn winter 5.暖和的 6.寒冷的 7.凉爽的 8.热的 warm cold cool hot 雨 有雨的 10. 风 有风的 11. 云 多云的 12. 雪 有雪的 13. 太阳 晴朗的 rain rainy wind windy cloud cloudy snow snowy sun sunny 1. What’s the weather like today? It’s ______________. How’s the weather today? It’s ______________. sunny hot Cloudy warm Rainy cool Snowy cold Windy cool 2.Look at the following pictures and say something about the seasons. Spring Warm rain Green flower The whole year’s work depends on a good start in spring. 一 年 之 计 在 于 春。 summer hot rainy cloudy swim You'll never see the rainbow without the rain and wind. 不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹 autumn cool Windy leaf farmer fruit No pains , no gains. 不 劳 无 获。 winter cold snow ice skate If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? 冬天来了, 春天还会远吗? Reading comprehension Fill in the blanks with the right information from the text “Favorite Food” to complete the following statements. Spring is from ________ to ______ in my hometown. March May 2. The weather is _____________________ in spring in my hometown. quite cool and windy 3. In my hometown, we usually plant new trees ___________. in April 4. Many people like spring because _______________. it brings hope 5. I often ________________ on vacation with friends in summer. go to the seaside 6. _________ is the harvest time in a year. Autumn 7. Farmers are ____________ in the fields in autumn. very busy *



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