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木本植物多度在草原和稀树干草原中增加的研究进展 第 23 卷第 11 期 生 态 学 报 V o l. 23,N o. 11 2003 年 11 月 N ov. , 2003 A CTA ECOLO G ICA S IN ICA 木本植物多度在草原和稀树干草原中增加的 研究进展 3 熊小刚, 韩兴国 , 陈全胜, 潘庆民 中国科学院植物研究所植被数量生态学重点实验室, 北京 100093 摘要: 木本植物多度在草原和稀树干草原中增加已经成为全球范围普遍发生的现象。为揭示这一现象发生 的原因, 从放牧和气候变化与木本植物多度增加的关系、木本植物多度增加过程中的正反馈作用以及木本 植物侵入的关键阶段??幼苗的补充和定居, 这三个方面综述了目前的研究结果。强调放牧和气候变化之 间的相互共同作用, 可能引发了木本植物向草原和稀树干草原中的入侵; 而生物引起的正反馈作用则进一 步促进了木本植物的扩展。从生态系统干扰的角度, 讨论了木本植物多度增加机制的复杂性, 并指出木本 植物幼苗补充和定居的连续性和间断性两种方式, 对于草原和稀树干草原木本植物多度增加的贡献。 关键词: 放牧; 气候变化; 木本植物多度; 正反馈作用; 幼苗补充和定居 Increa sed abundance of woody plan ts in gra sslands and savanna s 3 X ION G X iao2Gang, HAN X ing2Guo , CH EN Q uan2Sheng, PAN Q ing2 M in L aboratory of Q uantitative V eg etation E cology , Institu te of B otany , Ch inese A cad emy of S ciences, B eij ing 100093, Ch inaA cta Ecolog- ica S in ica, 2003, 23 11 : 2436~ 2443. :Abstract A bundance of w oody p lants has increased substantially in grasslands and savannas w o rldw ide To exp lain these phenom ena, th is paper review s the th ree aspects of the related research results, including relationsh ip s betw een grazing o r and clim ate change and the increased abundance of w oody p lants, ro les of , po sitive feedback in increasing abundance of w oody p lants and the recruitm ent and establishm ent of seedling of w oody p lants, w h ich is considered the critical stage fo r w oody p lant invasion into the vegeta2 tion. It is emphasized that grazing, com bined w ith clim ate changes, m ay trigger the encroachm ent of w oody p lants into these types of vegetation, and that bio logical po sitive feedback s p romo te the increase of, w oody p lant abundance w ith in the vegetation F rom a view of disturbances in eco system s w e discuss the comp lexity of m echanism s fo r the increased abundance of w oody p lant, and indicate the contributions of ep isodic and continuous recruitm ent and establishm ent of seedling to w oody p lant expansion in the vegeta2tion : ; ; ; ; Key


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