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白土塔进出料换热器的机械设计 摘 要 换热器是将热流体的部分热量传递给冷流体的设备,通过这种设备使物料能达到指定的温度以满足工艺的要求。目前,大型化工及石油化工装置中,采用各种换热的组合,就能充分合理地利用各种等级的能量,使产品的单位能耗降低,从而降低产品的成本以获得好的经济效益。在某些化工建设中,换热设备占全部工艺设备的40%左右。管壳式换热器是最通用的、应用最广泛的换热器。 U形管换热器是管壳式换热器的一种,在U形管换热器设计过程中,严格按照GB150—1998《钢制压力容器》和GB151—1999《管壳式换热器》及换热器设计手册等标准进行设计和计算。 本设计说明书是关于U形管换热器的设计,主要进行了换热器的工艺计算,换热器的结构和强度设计。并且阐述了换热器的特点、换热器设备及其发展现状、国内发展趋势和研究热点以及换热器的分类,同时说明了U形管换热器的优点,介绍了换热器的结构设计,换热器主要零部件结构的设计及压力容器常用材料等。计算部分主要对U形管换热器的筒体、封头和法兰进行了详细的计算,并对其进行了水压试验的校核;还对换热管、管板、折流板和鞍座等各个受压元件按照GB-150和GB-151的标准进行 关键词:U形管换热器;厚度计算;强度校核;水压试验 Abstract Heat exchanger is the equipment that transfers a part of heat from the hot fluid to the cold. Through this kind of equipment,materials achieve assignment the temperature to satisfy the craft the request. At present, in large-scale chemical industry and in the petroleum chemical industry installment, each kind of heat transfer the combination can reasonably use each rank fully the energy, cause the production the unit energy consumption to reduce, thus reduce the production the cost to obtain the high economic efficiency. In some chemical plant construction, heat exchanger is about 40% of the total process equipment. The most versatile and widely used exchangers are the shell-and-tube types. U shape tube heat exchanger is one type of shell-and-tube heat exchanger, in the U shape tube heat exchanger design process, carried on strictly according to the standards of GB150-1998 "Steel Pressure vessel" and GB151-1999 "Tubular heat exchangers". The design manual is about U shape tube heat exchanger, which included technology, calculation of heat exchanger, the structure and intensity of heat exchanger. And described the characteristics of heat exchanger, heat exchanger equipment and the development of the status quo, development trend of domestic and research hot spots and the classification of heat exchanger, U shape tube at the same time illustrates the advantages of heat exchanger. Introduced the structural design of heat exchan


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