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摘要 随着信息技术的高速发展,21世纪是数字信息时代,互联网正以前所未有的冲击力影响着人类的生活。它的出现和发展,同样也为学校的发展提供了丰富的资源。正是在这样的趋势下,大部分的学校都建立了自己的网站,通过网站来发布消息,共享资源,为学校和学生提供一个相互交流的平台,增强学校和学生之间的联系。 本文主要讲述了如何利用DREAMWEAVER和ACCESS数据库进行学校网站设计的开发过程,详细给出了从学校网站的需求分析到总体设计、详细设计与实现及测试的各个环节,最后对本网站做出了客观评价,指出了本网站的不足之处,并给出今后的完善方向,基本上完成了一个网站所要求的内容,包括前台展示和后台管理。整个网站包括首页模块、留言板模块、后台模块。通过本次网站的开发,使我明白在进行网站的设计与维护的时候应该要从整体上把握全局,对设计网站有了一定的了解。 关键词:ASP;ACCESS数据库;学校网络;管理网站 Abstract With the rapid development of information technology, the 21st century is the digital information age, Internet is an unprecedented impact affects human life. Its emergence and development, but also for the development of enterprises provides a rich resource. It is in such a trend, the majority of enterprises have set up their own website, through the website to publish news, Gongxiangziyuan for enterprises and Ke Hu provide a mutual exchange of the platform, enhance business and customer. This article describes how to conduct business using DREAMWEAVER and ASP web design development process, from the corporate website gives detailed system analysis to design, detailed design and implementation and testing of all aspects of the system made the final objective of this evaluation, that the shortcomings of this system, and gives direction for the future perfect, basically completed the required content of a site, including the front display and back office management. The entire system including the Home module, message board module, the background module. Through the development of the site, so that we understand that when the system should do from the whole to grasp the overall situation, of design web site has some understanding. Key words: ASP;ACCESS;DREAMWEAVER;HTML;Website design 目录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \t "参考文献,1,谢辞,1" HYPERLINK \l "_Toc288249886" 第1章 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc288249886 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc288249887" 1.1 设计思想 PAGEREF _Toc288249887 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc288249888" 1.2 设计的目的和意义 PAGEREF _Toc288249888 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc288249889" 1.2.1 设计目的 P


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