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基于AutoCAD平台用户应用程序中深沟球轴承的设计 摘 要: 计算机辅助绘图技术已广泛应用于机械制造中, 该项技术是技术人员必备的技能之一。CAD技术近几年在国内的广泛推广和运用使得许多企业从繁重的设计、修改和绘图等工作中解脱出来. AutoCAD内嵌的Visual lisp编辑器允许用户对AutoCAD进行二次开发,将Lisp语言与AutoCAD有机的结合起来,可以直接调动几乎全部的AutoCAD命令,同时Lisp语言又具备一般高级语言的基本结构和功能,并且具有一般高级语言所没有的强大的图形处理功能,编程十分灵活,是当今世界上CAD软件中被广泛采用的设计语言之一。机械零件中的一些标准件、常用件,他们的外形基本相似,只是尺寸大小有所不同。利用一般的AutoCAD命令进行绘图虽然能比手工绘图快,但是由于对于这些大小不一形状相似的零件要重复进行绘制,大大降低了工作效率。这个时候,我们就可以利用Lisp语言对这些零件进行参数化程序设计绘图。使用程序设计绘图,我们可以根据输入的参数不同,直接绘制出相应的图纸,这样就可以大大提高我们绘图的速度和效率。下面以深沟球轴承为例,简单介绍一下LISP语言的程序设计。 关键词:CAD ,Lisp语言, 二次开发, 深沟球轴承 Abstract Auto CAD technology has been widely used in machinery manufacturing, for a sill man, the technology is one of the required skills. In recent years in China, the extensive promotion and use of CAD technology which make many enterprises out from the heavy design, modification and mapping. AutoCAD embedded Visual lisp editor allows the user to develop the AutoCAD in the second time, the combination of Lisp language and AutoCAD can mobilize almost all of the AutoCAD command directly, while Lisp language has the basic structure and function of the general high-level language which general high-level language does not have, the lisp language is one of design language which is widely used in the world now. Some standard and common parts of mechanical have the similar appearance and different size. using AutoCAD to draw graphics is faster than drawing with hands, but due to the different sizes and similar shape of these spares need to draw repeated which greatly reduced efficiency. At this time, we can use the Lisp language to draw in parameter procedure. We can map put the corresponding drawings directly in accordance with different parameters. So we can greatly improve the speed and efficiency of mapping. We can set the bearings of deep groove ball for example, and introduce the programming design of the Lisp language in briefly. Key words: CAD, Lisp language, develop the AutoCAD in the second time, bearings of deep groove ball 第一章


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