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浙江大学硕士学位论文 浙江大学硕士学位论文 公司创业决策中绩效反馈的情景调节聚焦和控制机制研究 Abstract In the face of globalization ofworld economy,rapidly innovatory technology,and various problems produced in the process of development of corporations,many scholars had pointed out that entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial action was indispensable for improving the capacity of innovation and long—term steady progress in the competitive environment.Studies on corporate entrepreneurship used to be concentrated mostly in the connotation,thus were deficient in studying on process mechanisms and considering multilevel factors,and studies on actual entrepreneurial action was even more infrequent.Just based on the pressing requirement of the actual and theoretical situations stated hereinbefore,for the propose of better comprehending and prognosticating the engenderment of entrepreneurial action,this paper cut in the research at the point of the process mechanisms of decision-making of corporate entrepreneurial action,based on the visual angle of strategic decision-making, introduced regulatory focus theory and locus of control theory,to launch a series of exploring empirical study on the process and mechanisms of corporate entrepreneurial action formation. In Chapter Four,we adopted the methods of semi—structural interview and cases study,in the purpose of establishing the actual background of dynamic process and factor function mechanisms of corporate decision-making,and validating the rationality of model.nle interviews almost validated the original model and provided actual foundation for the extended empirical study,and put in environmental dynamism and environmental hostility as control variable.The study on the cases indicated,(1)the performance feedback was exactly the significant foundation to which leaders of the corporation made decisions according.But no matter how the performance of the corporation changed,the entrepreneurial action always was likely to come into being,only different in


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