茶艺与茶道项目9 茶艺英语.ppt

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任务三 饮茶保健常识 III. The science of Tea Drinking 1.Dont drink tea hollow in the morning. 2.Do not drink strong tea before sleep. 3.People who suffer from gastric ulcer or neurasthenia are not suitable to drink tea. 4.Dont drink tea 2 hours before or after taking medicine. 5.its better to drink tea when it is luke warm, and do not drink overtime tea. ● 模块小结: 本模块主要介绍了茶叶营养成分、保健功能以及饮茶保健常识的的英文表达法 ● 关键词: 茶叶的营养成分 Nutrients in Tea 茶的保健功能 Tea’s Health Benefits 饮茶保健常识 The science of Tea Drinking ● 知识链接 ● 思考与练习题 1. 请用英文简述茶的营养成分和保健功能 2. 请用英文介绍饮茶时的保健常识 模块四 茶艺解说 ● 知识目标:通过学习,使学生了解绿茶、红茶和花茶茶艺表演时的英文解说词 ● 能力目标:通过训练,使学生能够流利的用英文向外宾进行茶艺表演的解说工作 ● 工作任务: 任务一 绿茶茶艺 任务二 红茶茶艺 任务三 花茶茶艺 任务一 绿茶茶艺 I.the art of making green tea Twelve steps: {第一道} 焚香除妄念 First-Burning incense to get rid of the wild desires {笫二道} 冰心去凡尘 Second-Clearing mind (Scalding tea wares) {第三道} 玉壶养太和 Third- Jade pot making supreme harmony (Heating up water) {第四道} 清宫迎佳人 Fourth-Palace welcoming the beauties (Put tea into the cups) {第五道} 甘露润莲心 Fifth- sweet dew quenches the heart of lotus (Pour water on tea leaf) {第六道} 凤凰三点头 Sixth- phoenix noding head three times {第七道} 碧玉沉清江 Seventh- Jaspers submerging in the clear river. {第八道} 观音捧玉瓶 Eightth –guanyin holding the jade bottle {第九道} 春波展旗枪 Ninth-Spring breeze making ripples in a sea of flags and spears {第十道} 慧心悟茶香 Tenth-Smelling the tea fragrance {第十一道} 淡中品至味 Eleventh-Savoring the tea to the last drop {第十二道} 自斟乐无穷 Twelfth-Drinking tea by oneself is plenty of self-enjoyment 任务二 红茶茶艺 II.The Art of Making Black Tea {第一道} 洗净凡尘 First-Washing off the dust (Scalding tea wares) {第二道} 喜遇知音 Second-Happy meeting with a bosom friend {第三道} 十八相送 Third-Walking with you for 9 kilometres just to say goodbye {第四道} 相思血泪 Fourth- lovesick blood and tears {第五道} 楼台相会 Fifth-Rendezvous with the loved one {笫六道} 红豆送喜 Sixth- Red bean brings good news {第七道} 英灵化蝶 Seventh-inmmortal spirits transforming into butterflies {第八道} 情满人间 Eighth- The world is full of love 任务三 花茶茶艺



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