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毛里求斯介绍;National flag国旗;Currency货币; 这座非洲东部的小岛面积只有2040平方公里,然而,它却凭籍梦幻般的阳光沙滩、直插云天的俊岩奇峰、连绵环绕的珊瑚礁群、蔚蓝湖泊、花木葱葱、百鸟啾啾的满园春色和休闲安逸的天然氛围,为游人展现胜似天堂的画卷。 The area of?the island is only 2,040 square kilometers in eastern Africa, however, it has fantastic sunny beaches, sky-Chun rock peaks, the rolling around coral reefs,blue lakes, lush flowers and trees, beauties of springtime birds chirping and leisure cozy natural atmosphere to show visitors a picture like paradise.; Mauritius, an island nation in East Africa,sparkling crystal in the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean, will fascinate you. 毛里求斯共和国,非洲东部一岛国,位于印度洋,被晶莹剔透的碧绿海水所包围,美丽的景色会惊艳你。; The contrast of colours, cultures and tastes makes the island so charming that the scene is set for an unforgettable holiday. 色彩,文化和品味的对比,赋予了这座岛屿无限魅力,迷人的场景能带给你一个难忘的假期.;Port Louis; 毛里求斯属于亚热带海洋性气候,平均温度25℃。全年分夏、冬两季,每年的11月份到次年的4月为夏季,5月份到10月份为冬季。每年的6至11月份气候较为凉爽,少雨,是最佳的旅行时间。 Mauritius has a subtropical climate, the average temperature is 25 ℃. The annual has summer and winter two seasons,November to next April is summer, May to October is the winter.The climate was cooler and drier between June and November, It is the best travel time for year.;Mauritius, so far away, yet so much at home 毛里求斯,咫尺天涯;Port Louis, Capital of Mauritius 路易斯港--毛里求斯首都;The North北部;The North--What to see? 北方--视觉体验; Famed for their giant Victoria amazonica water lilies, whose gargantuan leaves expand as wide as three metres in diameter, and for the amazing Talipot – a plant that flowers only once every 30 to 100 years – the gardens also feature some fine example of mahogany trees and rare Latanier palms from Madagascar.. 这里有著名的维多利亚巨头亚马孙睡莲,其直径达到3米,还有神奇的扇形棕榈树—这种棕榈树每30年到100年才开一次花—在这里还可以见到著名的桃红心木树和马达加斯加Latanier棕榈树。;The Red Roof Chapel, Cap Malheureux 红顶教堂;Beache;The South & South-East;Dutch Ruins and Frederik Hendrik Museum, Vieux Grand Port 荷兰遗迹和费德力克?亨德力克博物馆;;;Black River Gorges National Park;;视频; Maha Shivratree: In this festival, tho


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