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Let’s sing Spring(春天) is coming. Flowers are blooming(盛开). Blooming flowers Homework Read correctly and act out the dialogue . 正确朗读并且表演对话。 2.Preview Fun time and Cartoon time. 预习Fun time 和Cartoon time 。 * * 4B Unit 4 Story time 睢宁高级中学附属学校 张楠 4 Grade You get to know some words about parks. 你能知道一些有关公园的单词。 You can understand, read and act out the story. 你能理解课文,能够朗读并表演课文。 You can try to talk about things in the park. 你能试着谈论公园里的事物。 Learning objectives (学习目标) Let’s talk I’m Miss. Zhang. I can draw pictures. I like singing and dancing. What about you? I’m _______. I can _________. I like ____________. Let’s play 快速问答。根据问题回答, 肯定回答“yes, yes, yes”, 否定回答“no, no, no”。 Let’s play Can you speak English? Let’s play Can you swim? Let’s play Can you sing a song? Let’s play Can you shout in the library? Let’s play Can you run? Let’s play Can you play basketball? Let’s play Can you fly? Let’s play Can you make a fruit salad? Let’s play Can you play football? Let’s play Can you make a robot? Let’s play Can you read books? Let’s play Can you draw pictures? Let’s say draw pictures 画画 Let’s say I can see… What can you see? What can you do? I can … Let’s talk 同桌练习,说一说这幅画吧! 30-second non-stop talking What can you see /do? I can… Let’s say What are they doing?(他们在做什么?) Tim Mike Who are they? 猜一猜! Let’s choose 观看动画,选择答案。 What are they doing?(他们在做什么?) A. They are boating(划船) in the park. B. They are in the park. drawing Let’s tick 听对话,勾出答案。 What does Tim draw? 小提示: 边听边抓住一些关键词和句子哦! tree lake flower river hill boat √ √ √ tree flower flower Let’s judge Which can be Tim’s pictures? 细读对话,根据课文判断下列哪些可能 是Tim画的画,并找出判断的依据哦! 小提示: 边读边用笔圈出关键句子哦! flower tree boat easy 简单的 Let’s judge 细读对话,根据课文判断下列哪些可能 是Tim画的画,并找出判断的依据哦! flower tree boat easy difficult 困难的 Let’s imitate 认真读,注意模仿语音语调哦! Let’s read Happy Reading 选择你喜欢的方式,朗读课文。 自己朗读 小组内齐读 和同伴分角色读 … Let’s act 让我们一起表演吧! 小提示: 眼神交流。 2. 声音洪亮。 3. 面带表情。 4. 适当的 动作。 Let’s show Tim正在向他的三


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