江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初级中学八年级英语下册 Unit 4 A good read Welcome to the unit课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

江苏省兴化市昭阳湖初级中学八年级英语下册 Unit 4 A good read Welcome to the unit课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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1. 怎样处理这些书 2. 给我一本小说 3. 用某物来做某事 4. 冰箱上的盒子 5. 一本关于德国二战的书 6. 对…...感兴趣 7. 提高某人的知识 8. 法国作家 how to deal with the book /what to do with the book give a novel to me/give me a novel use sth. to do sth. the box on the fridge II. 翻译短语。 * Do you like reading? What type of book do you like? read n. 读物 cooking n. 烹饪, 烹调 novel n. 小说 Germany n. 德国 knowledge n. 知识 French adj. 法国(人)的 writer n. 作者, 作家 ugly adj. 丑陋的 Has Hobo decided what to do with the books? 2. What does Hobo want to use the books to do? Not yet. He wants to use them to reach the box on the fridge. Read aloud the conversation and act it out in pairs. A Mr Wu is showing the Class 1, Grade 8 students some books. Write the type of book under each picture. Then put a tick ( ) in the box if you have read this type of book before. cooking culture health novel science travel B Sandy and Daniel are talking about what they like to read. Read the conversation and answer the following questions. 1. What is Daniel reading? 2. Why does he like reading history books? He is reading a book about Germany in World War II. Because they improve his knowledge of the past . 3. Does Sandy like reading history books? 4. What does Sandy like to read in her spare time? No, she doesn’t. She thinks they’re boring. She likes reading novels and plays. Work in pairs and talk about the type of book you like. A: What do you like to read in your spare time? B: I like reading …. A: Why do you like reading …. B: Because … Have you decided what to do with these books, Hobo? 霍波, 你已经决定了怎样处理这些书吗? 句中“疑问词what + 动词不定式”结构作宾 语,该结构中的疑问词还可用when、how、which等。 e.g. I did not know how to get away. 我不知道如何逃走。 2. I like reading novels and plays. The Hunchback of Notre Dame by the French writer Victor Hugo is great. 我喜欢阅读小说和戏剧, 法国作家维克多·雨果的《巴黎圣母院》很棒。 维克多·雨果,法国浪漫主义作家,人道主义的代表人物,19世纪前期积极浪漫主义文学运动的代表作家,法国文学史上卓越的资产阶级民主作家,被人们称为“法兰西的莎士比亚”,人道主义代表人物。一生写过多部诗歌、小说、剧本、各种散文和文艺评论及政论文章,



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