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这个视频是1998年巴菲特在佛罗里达大学给MBA学生做的一个讲座,不知为何在网上又被转载起来,视频因为录制得比较早,视频效果不好,但希望中英文对照的文稿能弥补这一缺点。巴菲特其实口才非常不错,并不是说他能讲出多少“硬货”,而是他能够把最重要的投资哲理用非常通俗易懂的比喻来告诉大家,让即使对财务分析、市盈率等黑话一窍不通的人,所以读巴菲特写的东西一点都不累。半瓶子才能晃出声响,真正大师的话是非常简单却富有哲理的。在这片篇超级长的演讲稿里,不但讲了投资理念,还包括了面对工作机做人的态度,耐心读完的朋友,相信一定收获颇丰。 中英对照文本: Buffett: (holds mike) Testing: One million $, two million $….three million $. I would like to say a few words primarily and then the highlight for me will be getting your questions. I want to talk about what is on your mind.? 巴菲特:话筒测试,100万美元,200万美元.....300万美元。我想先讲几分钟的套话,然后我就主要来接受你们的提问。我想谈的是你们的所思所想。我鼓励你们给我出难题,畅所欲言,言无不尽。 I urge you to throw hard balls, it’s more fun for me if you follow speed and speeches come in end. You can ask anything about except football game last week in A&M, that’s out of limits. We have come here for some from Sun Trust, I have just attend the top meeting and I sat next to Jim·Williams who runs Sun Trust for many years and he wanted to be sure that I wear this Sun Trust shirt down here. 我希望你们扔些高难度的球,如果你们的投球带些速度的话,我回答起来会更有兴致.你们几乎可以问任何问题,除了上个礼拜的Texas A & M的大学橄榄球赛,那超出我所能接受的极限了。我们这里来了几个SunTrust(译者注:美国一家大型商业银行)的人。我刚刚参加完Coca Cola的股东大会(译者注:Warren Buffet的投资公司是Coca Cola的长期大股东之一),我坐在吉米.威廉姆斯边上。吉米领导了SunTrust多年。吉米一定让我穿上这件SunTrust的T恤到这来。 I tried to get the sponsorship from the Senior Gulf and I was sluggish and now on the back of the store I am doing much better .He said I get 1% of increase in deposit ,profits ,so all I gets for Sun Trust, yell for Sun Trust. 我一直试着让老年高尔夫联盟给我赞助,但是都无功而返。没想到我在SunTrust这,却做的不错。吉米说,基于SunTrust存款的增长,我会得到一定比例的酬劳。所以我为SunTrust鼓劲。(译者注:巴菲特在开玩笑) Your Future 你的未来 I would like to talk for just one minute to the students about your future when you leave here. Because you will learn a tremendous amount about investments, you all have the ability to do well; you all have the IQ to do well. You all have the energy and initiative to do well or you wouldn't be here. Most of you will succeed in meeting your aspirations. But in determining whether you succeed there is more to it t



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