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学 位 论 文 集中空调水系统整体特性研究 Study on the overall characteristics of centralized air conditioning water system 指导教师姓名 申请学位级别 所 属 学 科 年 级 学 号 论文答辩时间 答辩委员会主席 论 文 评 阅 人 摘要 摘 要 随着我国公共建筑面积的快速增加,公共建筑的总能耗也不断增加,其中耗能最大的是集中空调系统。通过文献调研也发现集中空调水系统是节能潜力最大、问题最多的地方之一。因此本文以研究集中空调水系统的整体特性为目标,以模拟仿真为研究手段,建立考虑空调末端耦合和不考虑空调末端耦合的用户侧整体模型,能够反映空调末端用户系统的整体水力、热力特性和动态特征,并与冷站模型联合计算,得到集中空调水系统模拟平台,为集中空调水系统的整体特性、全年能耗和运行状况的研究提供可靠的模拟平台。 首先,本文搭建了空调水系统动态模拟平台,包含 4 种用户侧整体模型可供用户根据空调末端调节方式和空调规模选择,还有细致的冷站侧模型,通过用户侧模型和冷站模型的联合计算,可模拟水系统的动态运行特性和冷站设备的能耗情况。 其次,通过实验平台验证了模拟平台的水网模型的准确可靠性。 然后,通过同一案例,分别采用空调末端有/无详细水网的通断/连续调节水系统的整体模型平台进行模拟计算,得到了空调末端有/无详细水网的通断/连续调节水系统的整体特性,并模拟研究了不同控制方式、不同压差设定值和不同供水温度对集中空调水系统整体特性的影响。 最后,通过一栋空调末端有通断调节、连续调节和不调节等 3 种水阀调节的集中空调系统应用,模拟计算得到了该大楼夏季的集中空调水系统的整体运行特性及设备电耗情况,对模拟平台的应用做了示范。 关键词:空调水系统;动态模拟平台;水力耦合;水力不耦合;用户侧模型 I Abstract Abstract With the rapid increase of public building area in China, the total energy consumption of public buildings is also increasing, and the most energy-consuming is the centralized air-conditioning system. Through literature research, it is also found that the centralized air conditioning water system is one of the places with the most energy saving potential and the most problems. Therefore, this paper aims to study the overall characteristics of centralized air conditioning water system, and use simulation to study the overall user-side model considering user-side coupling and without considering user-side coupling, which can reflect the overall hydraulic, thermal and dynamic characteristics of the user-side system, and combined with the cold station model to obtain a centralized air conditioning water system simulation platform, providing a reliable simulation platform for the study of the overall characteristics of the centralized air conditioning water system, annual energy consumption and operating conditions. Firstly, this paper builds a dynamic simulation platform for air conditioning water system, which includes four user-side overall models for users to select acco


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