安徽省凤阳县第二中学2020届高三12月月考英语试题 扫描版含答案.docVIP

安徽省凤阳县第二中学2020届高三12月月考英语试题 扫描版含答案.doc

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PAGE 2 - 英语答案 一听力 1.5分/题=30分 ABACB 6—10 BCBBB 11—15 CCACA 16—20 ACACB 二阅读 2分/题=40分 21-23 BAD 24-27.CDAB 28-31. BABC 32--35. ABAD 36-40 D E G A B 三、完型填空 1.5分/题=30分 41-45 B D C B C 46-50 A B A D A 51-55 C B A C D 56-60 B C A D D 四,语法填空: 1.5分/题=15分 the 62.weight 63. with 64.but 65.To keep 66.which 67.yourself/yourselves 68.harmful 69.is 70.following 五改错: 1分/题=10分 1. 第一句中here后加to 2. 第一句中where→which/that或者删除where 3. 第二句中and→but 4. 第四句中bag→bags 5. 第五句中making→made 6. 第七句中sincere→sincerely 7. 第八句中been去掉 8. 第九句中presence→present 9. 第十句中out→in 10. 第十一句中her→your 参考范文:25分 Dear Miller, I’ m LiHua, chairman of the Student Union. On behalf of our grade, I sincerely invite you to participate in the English Corner, which will be held on 27rd November, 2019 on the Confucius Square. Aimed to arouse the enthusiasm of studying English , this activity is designed to provide a platform where students can practise speaking and communicating with each other in English.The English Corner is scheduled to last from 5:40pm to 6:30pm, whose topic is sports. Besides, the activity will begin and end with a popular song Hey Jude. Students from different classes will have heated conversations on the topic. They may have various topics such as: their favorite sports and athletes, the balance between study and sports. Meanwhile, all the English teachers of our grade will take part in it, encouraging us to open mouths bravely. I’m firmly convinced that your participation will further motivate students’ interest. If you are able to come with us, please let us know and we’ll wait for you at the school gate at 5:30 in the afternoon. Looking forward to your reply. Yours,


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