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BS3533:1981 UDC 536.2:001.4 Glossary of Thermal insulation terms 隔热术语词汇 British Standards Institution 英国标准协会 British Standard Glossary of Thermal insulation terms 英国标准隔热术语词汇 References 参考文件 The titles of the standards publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover. 本标准参考的标准出版物标题都列在封底内页。 Section one. Physical properties 第一节 物理性质 NOTE. For more detailed definitions of a number of the terms relating to thermal properties, see BS 874. 注:一些关于热力性质的术语的详细定义,参见BS 874。 No. 编号 Term 术语 Description 说明 101 absorptivity 吸收率 The ratio of the amount of radiation absorbed by a surface to the amount falling on the surface. It can refer to radiation of any wavelength but commonly refers to solar radiation. 被表面吸收的辐射量占落在表面的辐射量的比率。它能用于指任意波长的辐射,但通常是指太阳辐射。 102 air permeability 透气性 The fluid permeability of a material where air is the given fluid. See 113. 气体为给定的流体的一种材料的流体渗透性。参见113。 103 bulk density 体积密度 The mass per unit volume of the insulating material (kg/m3). 每单位体积隔热材料的质量(千克/立方米)。 104 compressibility 压缩系数 The relation between deformation and applied mechanical pressure on a material. 材料形变与施加在材料上的机械压力之间的关系。 105 compressive strength 抗压强度 crushing strength 抗碎强度 The capacity of a material to withstand mechanical pressure up to the point of fracture. 材料承受机械压力直到断裂的能力。 NOTE. For materials that do not fail by shattering, the compressive strength may be deduced arbitrarily from a load/deformation curve. 注:对于无法震裂的材料,其抗压强度可根据负载/形变曲线任意推断出来。 106 convection coefficient (fc) 对流系数(fc) The quantity of heat transferred by convection in unit time to or from unit area of surface, divided by the temperature difference between the surface and the surrounding air or other fluid (W/(m2 K)). 在单位时间内通过对流传递至单位面积表面上的热量或从表面单位面积上传递出来的热量,再除以表面与周围空气或其它流体之间的温差(瓦/(平方米 开)。 107 covering capacity (dry) 覆盖能力(干燥) The area covered to unit thickness by unit mass of material as supplied, when it has been applied and dried to constant mass in accordance with BS 2972 (m2 per tonne at unit thickne


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