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BS 5507: Part 3:1982 BS 5507:第3部分:1982 UDC [69.057.5 : 624.023.9] : 620.17 ? British Standards Institution. No part of this publication may be photocopied or otherwise reproduced without the prior permission in writing of BSI. 未经BSI事先书面许可,不得影印或翻印本出版物的任何部分。 Methods of test for Falsework equipment Part 3. Props 脚手架设备的试验方法 第3部分 支撑架 British Standards Methods of test for Falsework equipment Part 3. Props 脚手架设备的英国标准试验方法 第3部分 支撑架 1. Scope 适用范围 This British Standard describes a method of test for the purpose of determining the ultimate load carrying capacity of props. 本英国标准描述一个用于测定支撑架极限荷载力的试验方法。 2. References 参考文件 The titles of the standards publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover. 本标准所涉及的标准出版物的标题列于封底内页。 3. Principle 原理 The test simulates the condition of a prop erected 1°30' out of plumb and supporting a concentrically positioned compressive load. 本试验模拟以1°30’ 倾斜竖立并支撑同心定位压力荷载的支撑架的条件。 4. Apparatus 仪器 4.1 Compression testing machine. A compression testing machine of suitable capacity* The capacity of a testing machine is suitable when the expected load of failure of the prop lies in the upper four-fifths of the selected range of the machine being used. 当支撑架预期失效荷载位于正在使用机器所选范围的前五分之四处时,试验机应具有与之适合的容量。 for the test that is capable of applying the load at the rate specified in 5.6 and that * The capacity of a testing machine is suitable when the expected load of failure of the prop lies in the upper four-fifths of the selected range of the machine being used. 当支撑架预期失效荷载位于正在使用机器所选范围的前五分之四处时,试验机应具有与之适合的容量。 4.2 Steel joist. A steel joist of section 76 mm x 76 mm having a density of 12.65 kilogram per metre length. 钢龙骨:每米长度上有12.65千克密度的截面积为76毫米×76毫米的钢龙骨。 NOTE. The joist specified for the test has characteristics to simulate loading the props through a concentrically positioned 175 mm X 75 mm timber beam. Timber joists have not been used as experience has shown that they produce variable test results, particularly at higher loads. 注:试验规定的龙骨具


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