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Parallelism of category is essential to a good classification. If we classify types of sports, we may speak of track and field events, swimming, ball games, etc. If we classify sports into jumping, ball games, running, floor exercise (自由体操) and backstroke (仰泳), we would violate parallelism, for ball games should be considered a general category, while jumping and running are subcategories of the track and field events, gymnastics is a general category, and floor exercise a particular form of it. In short, in a good classification the parts must be parallel, and they should add up to the whole subject. Sample 1 <P107> [Analysis] When you read this paragraph, you see clearly how classification is applied to describe the Indians. At first the word Indian is rather vague to you. You may think that Indians are Native Americans and must be identical to each other in many ways. However, as the paragraph classifies these people into categories by their different characteristics, such as occupations, ways of life and languages, you begin to know the Indians better: they are peoples with different cultures, histories, languages and ways of life. Sample 2 <P108> [Analysis] In this paragraph, you see a clear classification. The people on the beach are divided into two major groups, adults and children. Then, the adults are further divided into two types, some enjoy sitting in the shade, watching the sea and listening to the sound of waves; others prefer basking in the sun to get themselves tanned. The children are also divided into two groups, the older ones and the younger ones, with different things attracting them most. Sample 3 <P109> [Analysis] According to the author, book owners can be divided into three kinds: those who do not read their books, those who read carelessly short parts of their books, and those who read closely and carefully every one of their books. In his opinion, only the third kind can be said to own books. * *


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