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Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. (3) ;This information comes from Yang Xuehui at Shili high school in Xihe, Gansu.;不想吃了3 did not want to eat /didn’t feel like eating /was full; ;被请来帮忙3 was asked to come and help /was called in /was sent for;;细心地看看2 looked carefully at /examined; ;没有权力2 becoming less important /losing …power; ;占我的位子2 get my jobs /take my position;;那首洪亮乐曲使得我神经紧张。 The loud music makes me nervous. 柔和宁静的音乐使我身心放松。 Soft and quiet music makes me relax.;名和利总不会让人们快乐起来。 Fame and money don’t always make people happy. 她说伤感的电影使得她哭泣。 She said that sad movie made her cry.;亲爱的日记, 6月29日 Dear Diary, June 29th 我原以为今天是非常糟糕的一天, I thought today was going to be really bad. ;一开始乌云密布阴阴沉沉, To start with, it was cloudy and grey, 阴天使我心里不好受。 and cloudy days make me feel sad. ;这是我们拿回考试成绩的一天, And this was the day we would get our exam results back, 可上周我没有好好地答题。 but I didn’t answer the exam questions very well last week. ;这使得我心里焦急。 That made me anxious. 我和我最好的朋友霍利步行到学校。 I walked to school with my best friend Holly. ;她对我什么话都没有说, She didn’t say much to me. 使得我有点心烦意乱。 That made me a little upset.;在课堂上老师收回我们的考卷, In class, the teacher handed back our exams. 那使我紧张起来。 That made me nervous. ;但我发现我做得不错, But I found out that I didn’t do too badly. 让我非常高兴。 That made me very glad. ;接着情况有所好转, Then things got even better. 霍利给我买来我最喜爱的柠檬汁, Holly bought me my favorite lemon juice, ;火鸡三明治当午餐,我们谈了好多好多, and a turkey sandwich for lunch, and we talked a lot. 这让我很幸福。 That made me happy.;什么事让你很快乐? What makes you happy? 与学伴一起练口语让我感到很快乐。 Practicing speaking English with a partner makes me happy.;什么事使得你想哭? What makes you want to cry? 背长篇课文真使我想哭。 Reciting the long text makes me want to cry.;什么事使得你不自在? What makes you uncomfortable? 他说的话使我感到不自在。 What he said makes me feel uncomfortable.;什么事惹你生气? What makes you angry? 他抄我的答案惹我生气。 His copying my answers makes me angry.;什么事使得你很紧张? What makes you nervous? 没交作业使我感到有点紧张。 No handing in my homew


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