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论三线城市 DM杂志的发展现状及趋势 ——以《经营者》为例 摘 要: DM杂志作为平面媒体的一种,从国外逐渐发展到中国,进而延伸到国内的一 些三线城市,如十堰的平面杂志——《经营者》。因为 DM杂志的一些特点和优势以及经营 操作的简单性,所以在广告市场上发展得还是很不错的。在国外, DM杂志已经发展得很成 熟,在中国的一些一线城市已经形成一定的规模,但在三线城市还处在萌芽阶段。国外 DM 杂志的发展和中国 DM杂志的发展是有一定的距离的, 一线城市和三线城市 DM杂志的发展也 有一定的距离,这其中有很多的外部因素和内部因素决定的,从目前阶段来看, DM杂志在 中国市场,特别是三线城市 DM杂志的发展还有很多问题需要解决和客服,如定位问题、广 告商河受众接受程度、内容可读性等各种问题。但是从整个大的广告环境、 广告资源、 盈利 模式来看, DM杂志在三线城市的发展前景是很有市场前景和空间的。 关键词: DM杂志;三线城市;问题;现状;趋势 The Study about the Present Situation and Development Trend of the DM Magazine in Level 3 Cities —— To 20 percent as an example Abstract :DM Magazine as a print media, the progressive development from abroad to China, and then to some domestic and third tier cities, such as the plane Shiyan magazine - 20 percent. From an economic perspective, whether the market or from the perspective of the development advertising, DM magazines are also good prospects, but from the view of the present stage, DM magazine in the Chinese market, especially in third-line magazine, the development of the city there are many DM problems to solve, there are many difficulties to overcome, DM magazine in three tier cities Di prospects is very market prospects and Kongjian of, Although the run-Jie Duan Huan in a market, but we believe that Great advertising environment will bring a large three-city development of DM Magazine, is a market and a matter of time. Key words :DM Magazine ;Level 3 Cities ;Advertising market share ;marketing environment ; economic factors 1 前 言 DM 是英文 Direct Mail Advertising 的缩写,它的本质是传达一种广告信息,只是将 过于生硬的宣传资料和宣传单性质的广告软化,进而让消费者易于接受。随


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